About the Author

The spirit of interfaith harmony has guided Ray much of his life. He was born and raised a Hindu ("Ramakrishna"), read the Koran while seriously considering marrying a Muslim woman, sang in a Presbyterian choir, served as a Lutheran Elder and served as a Trustee on the boards of a Unitarian Universalist Church and the Metropolitan Area Church Council. He has firsthand experience with worship styles in mosques and synagogues. He has opposed parochialism and "tradition for tradition's sake" mentality as a Hindu, as a Christian and as a UU. Ray is married (interracially) and has made a sacred promise not to forget those who do not share his straight privilege.

Ray's educational background includes Physics and Technical Communications. For almost two decades, he has been a corporate slave who breathes, eats and drinks wireless telecom. He has more unemployed than employed friends.


"Gandhi’s grandson and my philosophy teacher, a man named Prof. Ramachandra Gandhi, once advised me to be the voice of whoever is not present. So the prayer I have for me and you is this: Spirit of life, grant us courage so that in a room full of men, we are the voice of a woman. Among straight people, let us be gay. And in an all white gathering, let us be black. Because we are our brother’s keeper and because we are our sister’s caretaker. Blessed be."