The Tisma Project

Bradford's community link with the town of Tisma in Nicaragua in Central America is open to all. In Bradford we aim to encourage links between individuals, community groups, and organisations. We wish to develop links of friendship and solidariaty and to learn from each community's solutions to achieve social change and better conditions. We aim to raise money to support social projects including in education and training in Tisma.

The Tisma Project is part of the UK's NIcaragua Twin Towns network. In Bradford we work within the Viva! group that brings visitors from Latin American social movements to the District. In Tisma our link is with Sheyla Aburto Olivas, community worker, and Omar Garcia Rivera, secondary school headteacher. Tisma Drive in Bierley was named in the 1980s, at a time when war on Nicaragua's borders attracted sympathy and solidarity from across the world.

The Manuela Martinez secondary school in Tisma exchanges letters with Ilkley Grammar school, starting in 2017. We will support further direct links.Nicaragua welcomes visitors and we can help you to find somewhere to stay in Tisma. In 2018, Bradford's Emily Connor plans to stop in Tisma on her epic cycle from Chile's south to Canada's north.Contact the Tisma Project by emailing

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