Projects for 2020

Proposed from Tisma, 14th May 2020 (to be discussed at Tisma Project AGM May/June 2020). Translation of letter sent as images via Messenger from Sheyla Aburto:

To our friends in Bradford

Hello Ludi and Bridget

I inform you of my visit on 15th March to the rural schools:

Republic of New Zealand primary school, in the village of Las Cortezas. I met with Director Janet Cordoba Ruiz, told her about the Bradford-Tisma twinning and that we would like to support a project to benefit the school and its pupils. She told me that she would like a school library (ie purchase of books). I said that would be of great use for everyone)

I then went to the other village, Montañita #2, and again explained my visit to the director, Berta Mena, of the Ruben Dario primary school. She told me that she would like support for a wire fence to enclose the school, which is open and animals enter. I don’t know how feasible it is, but she said they need it.

Afterwards I spoke to the Tisma's Pío Pío nursery director, Marina, and she said that she would l like a speaker because the school has none, or something else.

Also Omar for Tisma's secondary school would like to purchase desks.

La Perla community needs school materials, or other things according to the needs of the community.

So we could achieve the following projects:

1. Las Cortezas school - $250

2. La Montañita #2 school - $250

3. Manuela Martínez secondary school - $500

4. Pío Pío Nursery - $200

5. Community La Perla - $300.

[Amounts in US dollars. After a freeze in 2019, schools are now allowed to accept foreign donations]