2016 20th Sept Venezuela’s Ambassador in Leeds

Venezuela’s people are in a very difficult situation right now and need understanding and support. Venezuela’s Ambassador in the UK, Rocio Maneiro, spoke in Leeds at the invitation of Viva! Bradford and the Yorkshire and Humber region of the TUC. She described the country’s reliance on oil since the 1920s which has created a commercial class that have become accustomed to import goods rather than produce them.

With the price of oil seriously reduced in the past 5 years, the political opposition has aimed to sabotage the economy and make distribution of food and basics very difficult. They have been successful in gaining a substantial majority in the National Assembly and want to end the president’s term of office three years early, attempting a parliamentary coup as has been achieved in Brazil.

On the international front, it is not only the oil riches which make a progressive Venezuelan government a target of the United States. Hugo Chavez’s championing of the Bolivarian rebellion against colonial Spain has this century inspired popular movements which won power in Bolivia and Ecuador and elsewhere. Rocio Maneiro believes that The United States and others particularly fear Venezuela’s examples of politicians who liberated rather than simply conquered.

Rocio Maneiro’s diplomatic career has included Ecuador and Cuba, the Organisation of American States, the United Nations and China. She aims to make links with politicians, trades unions and writers throughout the UK. She was questioned on energy shortages (caused by drought as Venezuela is reliant on hydro-electric power), control of the economy (diversification is essential but takes time), and the role of the media (nothing replaces face-to-face communication).

Viva! Bradford is very grateful to her for the visit and conversation, and to Bill Adams who chaired the meeting for the regional TUC, and to Unite who hosted it. The Ambassador’s mix of formal speech, and off-the cuff remarks and discussion were well received. 22 people attended, spent £225 on the stall. All were urged by the chair to join the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign.

Picture: Rocio Maneiro, Venezuelan Ambassador to the UK, Bill Adams secretary of Yorkshire and Humber TUC, and Bob Sproule who introduced the meeting for Viva! Bradford.