MAYNE, Stephen: "Within the Australian division, there are individuals who are obsessed with climate-change denialism... The failure here is a failure to intervene to withdraw the green light for unhinged denialism within the Australian division"

Stephen Mayne (famous Australian shareholder advocate) in an interview with The Daily Beast re James and Kathryn Murdoch’s statement criticizing Murdoch media climate change mal-reportage (2020): “Within the Australian division, there are individuals who are obsessed with climate-change denialism such as Andrew Bolt and Terry McCrann, both of whom are 30-year veterans of the company and are close to Rupert and Lachlan. The failure here is a failure to intervene to withdraw the green light for unhinged denialism within the Australian division. It entirely comes down to Rupert and Lachlan. They are equally conservative and fully on board with everything from Fox News to climate-change denialism” (Lachlan Cartwright, “James Murdoch slams Fox News and News Corp over climate-change denial. Fiddling while Oz burns. Rupert Murdoch’s younger son and his wife issued a rare public rebuke of the family’s media empire and its promotion of climate-change skeptics during Australia’s bushfire crisis”, Daily Beast, 14 January 2020: ).