LENDMAN, Stephen. Anti-racist Jewish American writer slams Rupert Murdoch: "He's the prototypical presstitute"

Stephen Lendman is an outstanding anti-racist Jewish American analyst, writer, and humanitarian and a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (see Stephen Lendman blog:: http://sjlendman.blogspot.com/ ) .

Stephen Lendman on Rupert Murdoch as a “presstitute” (2012): “Quelle surprise! Britain's parliament discovered what media critics and people wanting real news and information knew decades ago.

Murdoch's world features demagoguery, managed news, scandal, sleaze, and warmongering. He's the prototypical presstitute famed journalist George Seldes (1890 - 1995) denounced in books like "Lords of the Press."

He called them "the most powerful force against the general welfare of the majority of the people." He exposed their tactics long before Project Censored.

Major media scoundrels are villainous global pirates. Murdoch's the worst of the bunch. Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) once called Fox News "the most biased name in news....with its extraordinary right-wing tilt."

Viewing, it added, is like watching "a Harlem Globetrotters game (knowing) which side is supposed to win." It's hard-right, pro-business, pro-war, pro-occupation, anti-populist, sleazy and biased, combined with juiced-up infotainment and junk food news.

It's a virtual mouthpiece piece for extremist Republicans. It long ago stopped pretending it's legitimate. It mocks real journalism. It's not tolerated on air.

Famed Chicago columnist Mike Royko (1932- 1997) once said "no self-respecting fish would (want to) be wrapped in a Murdoch paper...." [1].

[1]. Stephen Lendman, “Targeting Murdoch”, MWC News, 3 May 2012: http://www.mwcnews.org/focus/analysis/18643-targeting-murdoch.html .