BOUCHER, Patrick. Proprietor of the Slightly Twisted diner in Brisbane, explains in a note to customers that the café would no longer stock Murdoch newspapers

Patrick Boucher, proprietor of the "Slightly Twisted" diner in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, explaining in a note to customers that the café would no longer stock Murdoch newspapers (2013): “Dear customers, Rupert Murdoch (a foreign national who gave up his Australian citizenship years ago, and thus his right to a say in Australian politics)makes no apologies for the fact that he is using his newspapers to subvert the political and electoral outcomes in Australia for his own economic benefit. For this reason, his newspapers: ‘The Courier Mail’, and ‘The Australian’ will not be available in our café until further notice.As there are no local publications not controlled by Murdoch, we will be supplying Sydney and Melbourne papers”. [1].

[1]. Patrick Boucher, quoted by the ABC’s The Drum, “Brisbane café’s boycott of Murdoch press gets boost with Facebook share by UK MP Tom Watson”, 8 August 2013: .