LOBELLO, Carmel: US writer on Murdoch Block, an app which blocks all 100-plus Murdoch sites

Carmel Lobello is a US writer who writes for Death+Taxes (see: https://profiles.google.com/carmellobello/posts ).

Carmel Lobello on blocking Murdoch media (2011): “The News of the World phone hacking scandal tainted every one of Rupert Murdoch’s entities world-wide. Here in the states, Fox News in particular has been thrust under the microscope as ex-employees unleash blackmail stories and lawmakers call for investigation into all Murdoch news entities. If those investigations occur, it seems likely they’ll uncover some slime. As Telegraph reported yesterday, ex Fox-exec Dan Cooper is claiming that Fox had a “counter intelligence and black ops office” which may have also hacked phones. Murdoch’s ever-growing Dr. Evil reputation has inspired outrage, cries of “told-ya-so,” and now a new, useful invention for those who want to wash their lives of News Corp. Chrome’s app store now offers the Murdoch Block, an app which blocks all 100-plus Murdoch sites by alerting you every time you enter one.”

[1]. Carmel Lobello, “Murdoch Block: free new app that lets you block News Corp”, Death+Taxes, 21 July 2011: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/121196/murdoch-block-free-new-app-lets-you-block-news-corp/ .