LEIGH, Andrew. Labor MP who tabled Kevin Rudd's petition for media inquiry: "In Australia, the media is shrinking and extremely concentrated… There are now over 20 'news deserts' in Australia, which weakens the community and raises the risk of corruption going unchecked"

Andrew Leigh (Australian Labor MP who tabled the Kevin Rudd-initiated media diversity Royal Commission petition in the Australian House of Representatives on 4 November 2020, describing it as "the largest e-petition in Australia's history" (2020): "In Australia, the media is shrinking and extremely concentrated… There are now over 20 'news deserts' in Australia, which weakens the community and raises the risk of corruption going unchecked" (Jack Snape, “Petition calling for media royal commission and setting Australian record tabled in Parliament”, ABC News, 10 November 2020: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-11-09/media-diversity-petition-started-by-kevin-rudd-lodged-parliament/12863982 ).