Managing Committee:

1.Mahesh C. Mathur,      (President & Hon. Treasurer)        7. Smt. Prabha Mathur, (Member)

2.Ajit K, Mathur,            (Sr. Vice President)                       8. Shri Anil Mathur (Member)

3.Shamsher B. Barellia   (Gen. Secy.)                                  9. Shri Diwakar Mathur ) Member)

4.Krishna Murari,           (Editor & Member (PR)              10. Shri Mathuresh Sherry (Member)

5.Vishwa Nath Mathur   (Jt. Treasurer) 

6.Yogesh Mathur            (Jt. Secy.)

Highlights:   1 Our Central Function & picnic

                      2.Our Directory & Website

                      3. MAB on WhatsApp

                      4. Mathur cuisines – appreciation in a Kolkata Newspaper (an attachment)


Dear Member,

  1.   Our Functions: A review

This year (2017)  we had three get together functions organized for the MAB by the respective Zones as noted below:

         a) East Zone (Zone-3, Chembur, New Mumbai, Panvel) function held at Hotel Yogi Executive, Vashi (New Mumbai) held on 22-1-2017

b) South-Central Zones (Zones 1 & 2, Colaba to Worli, Mahim), a Holi get together at Army Officer’s Institute, Colaba held on 8-4-2017

           Details of these two functions have already been reviewed in our last Newsletter dated 10-7-2017

         c) East Zone (Zone-3) Monsoon picnic held on 20-8-2017 is reported as follows:

           Venue: Aayush Resort, Shedung-Panvel, Time: 9:00 am onwards


      The much awaited monsoon picnic was organized by MAB East Zone after a lot of consultations and venue search. New members Ritesh-Preeti came forward to take the initiative of organizing the picnic. Along with Mathuresh Sherry they were instrumental in finalizing the date, time, venue, menu, etc. It was attended by about 35 persons.  Mr. Ritesh's sister and brother-in-law Deepa-Rohit Bohra, heartily welcomed as new entrants, happily extended their helping hand in organizing the picnic.


The welcome committee was present at the venue to greet the biradari members. Attended by about 35 persons, it was a day full of excitement and fun. Rains didn't dampen the spirits and every one enjoyed the lush greenery of the resort.

 Sumptuous breakfast, lunch, evening tea and snacks were served.  Songs sung by Mathuresh Sherry, joined by others added charm to the ongoing events.  Antakshri was also played which was like re-living our 'bachpan'. Senior citizens present encouraged all to share their valuable thoughts and experiences.   An encouraging factor was that youngsters in the respective families too attended the picnic and participated whole heartedly.

Mrs.Asha Mathur, mother of Mr. Rajan Mathur (Kandivali West) spoke on Mathur traditions and culture which was specially for the benefit of the youngsters who heard it with keen interest.


Mrs. Suman Mathur, mother of Mr. Mayank Mathur of Navi Mumbai won everyone's heart by reciting some of her self composed poems. 


As per tradition set by this Zone, contribution of Rs. 850 per participant was collected in advance.

Mr. Shriraj Mathur (Kharghar) donated Rs.3000 and Mr.Ritesh donated Rs.6000 for the event, thankfully acknowledged by the organizers.


At around 5 pm, after the evening tea the gathering dispersed, saying ‘see you next’ and promising each other to keep meeting frequently.

(d) East Zone (Zone-3) Second function of the year held on 4th March 2018.

       VENUE:  Party hall of Rosewood Heights at Kharghar, (new Mumbai).

      After a successful picnic during the monsoons it was yet another occasion when MATHURS (mostly from Navi Mumbai) met for a holi get together. The function was well organised by Mr.  Ritesh Mathur.

     Around 50 members wholeheartedly participated in the get together. Venue was the party hall of the society where Mathuresh and Deepa stay.  Contribution for the function was collected in advance. This time apart from the old members a few new members also came who were introduced and felicitated with rose buds.

    Few of the biradari members came forward and rendered songs on their own.A game of Housie was played by everyone.

    Our two respected couples Dolly-Mahesh Mathur and Beenu-Yogesh Mathur graced the function by their attendance.

    Our short and sweet programme was followed by delicious starters, lunch and high tea. The programme came to an end by a round of antakshri.

     Everyone appreciated the menu and venue.

d) Our Next function:

         Our NE Zone (Zone-5, Ghatkopar-Thane) had plans to organize a get together in December, 2017 but had to postpone it as during the second half of the month a good number of the members (including many of the organizers) had planned for going out on holiday due to children’s vacations and an extended long week end in month end.  Let us see when now they come up with planning an event.

       A Central function (usually held during January-March each year) will hopefully will be held soon.  Its plans, when worked out and finalized will be communicated through Whatsapp, e-mail circular and word of mouth to biradri members. Just be on the lookout for the announcement.   


e) Our West & North-West Zones:

     About 40 percent of our members reside in our two Zones, viz., our West Zone (Zone-4, Bandra to Vile Parle) and in our North West Zone (Zone-6, Andhri to Borivili). However, apart from participation of some members from these Zones, in our Central functions, we did not have a Zonal function of their own Zones for quite some.  We therefore earnestly request members in these two Zones to come forward and form working groups to organize Zonal get togethers for which the respective Zonal Committees and the MAB itself will provide all help, including financial assistance if needed. Formation of such groups, even small ones to start with, will go a long way in development of Zonal activities and Milna-julna get togethers within the Zones.    

     It is very well understood and appreciated that nowadays everybody (including ladies) is busy on jobs, and youngsters in studies in a competitive atmosphere. Finding time for cultural activities thus becomes difficult. However, retaining and perpetuating the noble Mathur culture by occasionally organizing Mathur cultural events has importance of its own and thus  can not be ignored.     


f) Our Zonal Committees;

    Our Zonal Committees are the backbone of the Association whose members form the actual work force and medium of contact with its members. A list of the Zonal Committees is attached herewith at Annexure-A to enable members to contact them when needed.

    We appeal to more members (specially ladies and young men) to join the Zonal Committee of their respective Zone, thus providing the much needed support to the Association.       


2. MAB Welfare Trust: 


     a) The ‘MAB Welfare Trust’ was established in May, 2005 with the primary aim of providing financial assistance in medical emergencies to a biradri members in distress, as also for educational assistance to a needy and for other charitable activities. In its initial fund collection drive a total sum of Rs. 1,47,250 was collected as contribution from our members. With subsequent contributions amounting to Rs. 1,04.109, the total contribution received till issue of our last Newsletter in July, 2017 had come to Rs. 2,51,359. With addition of another Rs. 5000 donated by Shri A.S.Mathur (NW-9 / Kandivili-Ealready acknowledged in our N/letter dated 28-10-2016), the total sum of contributions received till end of year 2016-17 thus stood at Rs. 2,56,359 only.

b) Contribution received:

     We gratefully acknowledge receipt of a contribution of Rs. 50,000 from Shri Amit Kumar /Mrs. Shikha (W-76 / Bandra ) vide their cheque dated 3-3-2018. With this addition, the total sum of donations received till date thus comes to Rs. 3,06,359.

     It is to be appreciated that this amount still needs to be substantially augmented to make the Trust a viable one to befittingly and purposefully meet its intended objectives.

         The Trust is funded by contributions from the general public, our members and other well wishers. Being registered under the Charitable Public Trusts Act, its donors are entitled to Tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act., for which the Trust is authorized to issue necessary certificate.

     (c). An appeal:        Charity begins at home !

      We are sure the story behind the formation of the Trust described earlier would convince our members not only for the need of its formation but also of its continuity and expansion. We, therefore appeal to all MAB members to generously contribute to this noble cause and also to try getting contributions from other well-wishers, Corporate houses, etc.

    The Trust is funded by contributions from the general public, our members and other well wishers. Being registered under the Charitable Public Trusts Act, its donors are entitled to Tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act., for which the Trust is authorized to issue necessary certificate.

        Those of our members who have their own or shared business are specially requested to come forward with their generous contribution and  avail of Tax Exemption under Sec. 80G of Income Tax Act.     

      For processing contributions, kindly contact our Jt. Treasurer, Shri Vishwa Nath Mathur (Tel: 2415 6680 / M: 9821163526 / em: vishwanath.mathur@gmail.com) or any other member of the MAB Managing / Zonal Committee.  

C3. Senior Citizens & External Life Members:

     a) Senior Citizens:

     MAB has always been keen for participation of its Senior Citizens in its activities and functions. Their mere presence in a function adds a grace and unique charm to the function’s ambiance while the organizers feel happy and blessed to have them among them. 

     About a decade ago a list of Senior citizens amongst Mumbai Mathurs was compiled and we did make use of it to specially invite them to our functions.  It is now due that a list of our Seniors (ladies and gents of age 80 and above as on 1st January, 2018) be compiled afresh. Members who themselves are over 80 or members having such elders (parents etc.) of that age living with them may please inform us their names and actual age as on 1st January, 2018 for compilation of the list and further action. Though proof of age is not required, birth year may be mentioned to determine and declare the senior most and others age wise in serial order.

   The above information be kindly emailed at our em id (bombaymathurs@gmail.com) latest by 30th April, 2018 so as to be compiled and made available before our next function and to enable us to extend function invitation specially to them.

    Those who happen to see this Newsletter or be informed of this para later than 30th April, may also send their details as and when they see or know about it. Delayed information will also be welcome.

     b)  External Life Members:

     Our External Life Members (i.e., Life Members who have permanently left Mumbai) continue to remain our members and we welcome their keeping touch with us.  We post our Newsletters to those who have furnished to us their confirmed postal address.  To those who have furnished their email id to us, we regularly e-mail to them copies of our Newsletters. We are happy that many of our other Ext. Life Members view our website and read our Newsletters thereon.

4. General :

       In case it may have escaped member’s attentionwe take opportunity to remind them  once again about the following items already announced in our last Newsletter:

a) MAB on WhatsApp:

MAB on WhatsApp has been introduced to encourage fellowship amongst members in Mumbai which is becoming very popular, with many active members participating daily. It is being tested for including Matrimonial proposals therein as an added item of activity.

    Smart phone nos. for the MAB Mg. Comm. members are follows:

(i)    Mahesh C. Mathur (Churchgate)  (9870096638  and  00-19172570759

(ii)   Ajit K. Mathur, (Khar-W):  9820132341

 (iii) Mathuresh Sherry (Kharghar):  9820169467

iv)  Krishna Murari (Panvel): 9930417532 and 0065-63670052

b) MAB Website:  Our website:  http://sites.google.com/site/bombaymathurs  contains  an Alphabetical List of members and  Zonewise member’s Directory of all its seven Zones which is regularly updated. Currently it is updated till the date of issue of this Newsletter. Besides, it contains contributed articles on Mathur’s origin, culture, etc., which are widely viewed in India and even abroad.

c) Address & other changes: It is seen that a number of our Newsletters and other communications sent by post come back undelivered as the addressee may have shifted from the address listed with us. Apart from the loss of printing and postage expenses on such returned letters, we feel sorry for missing these members. Similarly, many emails to members also get bounced as the concerned member may have changed his/her em id. There are changes even in member’s Landline / Mob. Phone nos.which are not informed to us with the result that we can not contact them to confirm their address.

       We once again request that any change in member’s address phone nos., or em id be kindly promptly advised by letter, phone or email to any of the following to enable us to keep our record and mailing list updated.:  

 i) Shri S.B. Barellia    (Add: Blk: 10-B, Flat:3, Navjivan Socy., Mori Road, Mahim (W), Mumbai – 400 016.

     Ph: 2446 7212 / M: 9820427290  em:  barellia@yahoo.com)

ii) Shri Yogesh Mathur (Add: 707, ‘Aphrodite-B’, Lodha Paradise, Thane (W) – 400 601, Ph: 2533 3926 / Mob; 9819233256  em: yogeshmathur5@hotail.com

iii) Shri Krishna Murari (em: murarikm@hotmail.com)

  d)  Weddings & deaths information: For publishing the weddings and deaths in our Newsletters we generally depend upon information received from stray sources or by word of mouth and rarely from the families concerned. .It is likely that many such events may not come to our knowledge in time and hence regretfully missed in our Newsletters.

     It is therefore requested that members of the concerned families may kindly inform us promptly about all such happenings so that the information is duly included in our next Newsletter. 

e) i.) Life Membership: Those of our members who have still not taken the Association’s Life membership (validity 15 years, thereafter renewable) are requested to kindly do so by paying a fee of Rs. 1500. 

     Note: For sub pras (d) &(e) above, kindly contact any one amongst the mentioned in sub-para (c) above.

   ii) Hearty Welcome to the following who have taken our Life membership (subsequent to those names already acknowledged in our previous Newsletters dated 25-2-2015 and 10-9-2015) during period as noted below:

   Year 2015-16

   a) Shri P. Sanjay* (details not known)   


   b) Shri Sunil Mathur* (details not known)

   c) Shri Anil Mathur /Mrs. Usha (N-8 /Vasai-W)

   d) Shri Puneet,  (N-8A / Vasai-W )


Year 2016-17

    a) Prahlad Mathur /Mrs. Renu, (NW-195/Borivili-W)

    b) Pramod Mathur* (details not known)

    c) Shri Vijay Sarup / Mrs. Poonam, (E-112 / Nerul)

    d) Shri Hmanshu Mathur / Mrs. Poonam ( E-41/ Nerul)

Year 2017-18 (so far)

a) Shri Ashutosh Mathur / Mrs. Niti  S-29/ Colaba)

b) Shri Alankar Sinha / Mrs.Payal, (E-140 / Koperkhairane)

c) Shri Ashish Mathur / Mrs. Megha, (E-141/ Sanpada)

d) Shri Ajay Mathur / Mrs. Anila, (W-3 /Bandra )

e) Dr. Anil Mathur / Dr. Mrs. Kriti, (N-45 / Poisar)

f) Amit Mathur / Mrs. Shikha, (W-76 / Bandra)

g) Shri Vaibhav Mathur /Mrs. Pritagya, (NE-103/ Vikhroli-W), .

Note: 1. Those marked with asterisk above may, after receipt of this N/letter, kindly inform us (email to murarikm@hotmail.com) their address details so that they may be registered as Life members.

         2. Life Memberships received earlier to the above has already been reported in our previous Newsletters dated 15-2-2015 and 10-9-015.


5. (a) From our Archives:  Appreciation of Mathur cusines:

       A write up on Mathur cuisines (already published in our Newsletter of December, 2010) appearing in a Kolkata Newspaper is attached herewith once again for member’s reading pleasure.   

b) In Lighter vein:

    A letter  which  created history* ( copied from CATOPIA, February, 2018, a Law publication of Delhi) is reproduced below verbatim for reader’s informative pleasure (and,  may be a giggle ! it may cause):

  “   Date: 02 - 07 – 1909

 To Divisional Railway Officer, Sahibgunj,

Respected Sirs, I am arrive by passenger train Ahmedpur station and my belly is too much swelling with jackfruit. I am therefore went to privy. Just I doing the nuisance that guard making whistle blow or train to go off and I am running with lotaah in one hand and dhoti in the next when I am fall over and expose all my shocking to man and female women on platform. I am got leaved at Ahmedpur station. This too much bad, if passenger go to make dung that dam guard not wait train five minutes for him. I am therefore pray your honour to make big fine on that guard for public sake. Otherwise I am making big report to papers.

    Your faithful Servant, Okhil Chandra Sen

       Okhil Babu wrote this letter to the Sahibganj divisional railway officer in 1909. It is on display at the Railway Museum in New Delhi. It was also reproduced under the caption Traveller’s Tales in the Far Eastern Economic Review.

    *Any guesses why this letter is of Historic Value? It led to the introduction of TOILETS in trains in India...!!!!

    So no idea is stupid and Always speak up... (Howsoever bad or good you may be at any language) “.

6 Academic Awards:

Following Academic awards sponsored through MAB are available for Mumbai based Mathur boys/girls:

 (a) GUNNO DEVI AWARD  - Rs. 1000 for the highest marks obtained in SSC Exam

(b) GANPAT SAHAI AWARD -  Rs. 1000 for the highest marks obtained in HSC Exam

(c) MADHO LAL AWARD - Rs. 1500 for a boy and / or girl securing admission in MBBS course in a recognized Medical College anywhere in India.


1) For item under (a & b) above, minimum qualifying total marks are 80% or equivalent grading.

2) Applicant’s parents (other than Life members) should have paid their annual Membership for the concerned Academic Year as well as for the year of application.

3) Applications for awards pertaining to the last Academic Session 2017-18 along with attested copy of Marks sheet be sent to Shri Barellia (add: in para 4( c) above) latest by 30th September,   2018.

      Applications received later may not be considered.

      There have been no applications so far for the Academic Awards the year 2016-17.  However, in order that an otherwise eligible candidate may not miss the award, the last date for receipt of application has been extended to 30th April, 2018. Applications, if any, may please be submitted to Shri Barellia at his address mentioned in para 4(c) above.


7.       Wedding bells:

Since the issue of our last Newsletter dated 10-7-2017, covering the last wedding held on 22-6-2017 (Pallavi weds Kartik) , we have no information of any subsequent wedding held in Mumbai Mathur biradri. However, details of subsequently performed wedding(s), if any, may kindly be intimated to us by email and we will be happy to include them in our next Newsletter.

8. Obituaries:

      Our heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved family and prayers for peace for the departed soul on the sad demise of the following:

1. (L) Shri Shiv Kumar Mathur (NE-68 / Powai), beloved husband of Smt. Meera and father of Shri Vivek Mathur, at Mumbai on 8-8-2017.

2. Shri Deepak Mathur (NW-35 / Goregaon-E), beloved husband of Smt.Rekha and respected father of Amit Mathur at Mumbai on 1-11-2017.

3. (L) Smt. Tara, beloved wife of Shri Shamsher B. Barellia (C-29 / Mahim) and respected mother of Sharat Barellia at Mumbai on 26-1-2018.

4. (L) Ashish Mathur (NW-18 / Andheri-E), beloved husband of Smt. Madhulika at Mumbai on 8-3-2018

5. (L) Kuldip Narain (E-51 / New Mumbai), beloved husband of Smt. Pushpa and respected father of Bhupendra Mathur at New Mumbai on 12-3-2018.


                                                                                                                    For & On behalf of Manging Committee, MAB


                                                                                                                        Mahesh Co Mathur         Krishna Murari

                                                                                                                              (President)    IPP, Editor & Member (PR)


Annex: 1 ( Zonal Committees - 1   page)

Annex: 2 ( Calcutta Newspaper – 2 pages)


PTO for Annexure-1