December 1, 1999






Dear Member

a) The Managing Committee, MAB, takes pleasure in announcing that its Diwali get together cum last millennium function will be held on Saturday, December 18, 1999 from 6.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. at the following venue:

Good Shepherd Church Compound

Four Bungalows Road

Andheri (W), Mumbai 400 058

Opinion may differ whether the year 1999 or the year 2000 should be the last year of the millennium, but nevertheless, a mood of celebration has already set in worldwide to bid farewell to the last year of the nineteen - nineties. So, this function of ours is definitely a special one and we look forward to a happy, enjoyable and fun-filled evening.

b) This venue is the same as that of the earlier several get together in the recent past and we are sure that it will be familiar to most of the members. However, some guidelines to approach the venue are:

c) Dinner, drinks and snacks will be available as usual.

d) Annual Membership of Rs. 50/- for the year 1999 - 2000 may kindly be paid by all members (except life members and those who have since paid in the April 1999 function) at the reception counters.

e) We very much wish that during our functions (specially in this last millennium function) members get the maximum possible time together to meet and talk and to enjoy the entertainment programs / food and drinks etc. provided. Our time usually is 6.30 p.m. onwards but it has been our observation that the earliest the guests start coming in is around 8 p.m. or even later. Many, especially from distant suburbs or having young children, prefer to have dinner and return early while many want to start late and continue till late. Due to police and local area restrictions we cannot have loudspeakers after about 10.30 p.m. or lighting after 11 p.m. The music, dance and entertainment program goes haywire if there are no sufficient guests in the beginning or if it has to be abruptly stopped when it has just started warming up. To keep in mind everybody's convenience and to accommodate all programmes within the constrained time limits we therefore earnestly request you to kindly make it a point to come early.


Our last (Holi) function was held on 17.4.99 at the same venue, viz. the Four Bungalow (Andheri) Church Compound and was attended by a good number of 343 persons. It was heartening to see quite a few first timers in that function. We are sure they have developed some new acquaintances and that they might even have, to their pleasant surprise, discovered some distant relationship or "home town-ship" with some others. This is, in fact, one of the main purposes of our functions, and even if a few persons get benefited this way, we are more than happy.

following sponsorships from members and thank them for their generosity.

i) Shri Suresh C. Mathur, (Sumeet, Khar-W) Rs. 6000/- for Function expenses

Our sincere thanks to the above sponsors for their offers that made our Raffle programme lively and attractive.

Sponsorships (please see repeated para 5 of this newsletter) help us a lot in holding our functions successfully, besides providing financial backup to meet our various function expenses and in subsidizing the food cost to some extent. We look forward to continuing sponsorship support from our Members, especially from those of our potential contributors who would like to take their first step forward in this direction and give a lead to others.


Cost of food materials, venue hire charges, music and entertainment expenses etc., have all been rapidly rising, making it difficult for the Association to meet the expenses of holding functions. Occasional donations from generous members do come once in a while, but that alone does not cover all the costs. We, therefore, appeal to our members to kindly come forward and help us tide over the situation by extending their support for the cause of the Association in any of the following few suggested ways:-

Note: Though the actual expenses on these items are usually more, sponsorship amount has been limited to above or actuals, whichever is less.

iv) Any other way desired, e.g. donation on a marriage or any other happy occasion in family or in business.

Your generosity will be greatly appreciated and acknowledged in our newsletters and will go a long way in helping us in holding good functions. Kindly contact any of the following for further details and for processing your contribution.




We are always in need of volunteers to manage the various counters at functions, and once again request members, especially young boys and girls, to come forward for this. Those who feel reluctant to tie themselves down to a counter throughout the whole function may form groups of two or three, so that amongst themselves they can relieve each other and also enjoy the function. We are sure many will find this an exciting assignment alongwith a sense of fulfillment of rendering an important community service. Please do come forwards and convey your names immediately to any of the following -

Even if you volunteer yourself at the function venue, you will be welcome, but please be there in time.


We are informed that for the forthcoming 18th December function, some members of East Zone (Zone 3) are planning to hire a bus from CBD Belapur to the venue (Andheri W) covering New Mumbai, Chembur and other areas en-route. Those interested may contact for details any of the following


Our heartiest congrats and best wishes to the newly weds and their respective families on the following weddings:


Our heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved families or the following:


Thanking you and looking forward to meeting you at 4, Bungalow Road, Church Compound, Andheri (W), on Saturday, 18th December 1999 evening.


For & on behalf of Managing Committee, MAB

Krishna Murari
