Feb 2015




                                                        February 25, 2015



Krishna Murari       (President)     

Mahesh C. Mathur     (Sr. Vice President & Hon. Treasurer)

Ajit K. Mathur       (Vice President)

Shamsher B. Barellia (Gen. Secy.)

Vishwa Nath Mathur   (Member, Finance)  

Yogesh Mathur        (Jt. Secy.) 


1.Our Zonal Functions

2.Our Directory

Dear Member,

     This being our first Newsletter in the year 2015, we take this opportunity, though belated, of wishing all our members a very happy and prosperous New Year, 2015.

1.      Last Year, 2014 – A Review      

We are happy to state that MAB with its Zonal Committees had a number of activities during the year as already reported in our last Newsletter dated August 6, 2015, briefly summarized as follows:

a) MAB published its member’s Directory (2013 Edn.,) which were speed posted to all its members in December, 2013 and distributed in subsequent Zonal functions in the year 2014.

b) Zones were active with holding their respective Zonal get togethers as follows:

    i) South & Central Zones (Zones-1 & 2) on 22-3-2014 at Hotel Sea Plaza, Colaba

ii) North Zone (Zone-7) on 13-4-2014 at Royal Hills Resort, Vasai

iii) East Zone (Zone-3) on 14-6-2014 at Anushaktinagar

  iv) North East Zone (Zone-5) on 7th December, 2014 at Thane   

       Items i, ii and iii above have already been reported upon in our last Newsletter of August, 2014.  


c) A total of 10 members took MAB’s Life Membership during the year 2014. We offer our thanks and appreciation to them for opting for Life Membership.

2.      Our Zonal functions:

a) Following is a report from our NE Zone (Zone-5) on their Zonal function  held on 7-12-2014:

 MAB’s  Zone-5 (NE Zone, covering Powai, Ghatkopar to Kalyan) get together was organized on Sunday, 7th December 2014 in the A/C Comfort at club house of Hiranandani Estate , Thane between 11.00 AM to 3.00 PM.

It was attended by 76 guests, including 16 from other Zones.

The function started with Bhajans and songs by Mrs. Saroj Mathur, Mrs Mukta Mathur and Mrs Neeti Mathur in their sweet melodious voice. There were excellent dance performances by Miss Gunjan Mathur, Miss Nishita Mathur and Mrs Needhi Mathur.

The entire function was ably compered by Shri Anuj Mathur and Mrs Deepali Mathur. Mrs Reetu Mathur alongwith Mr Anuj Mathur & Mrs Neeti Mathur managed the carefully selected games in which all age group biradri members participated.

Mr Sandeep Mathur , Mr Ashok Mathur and Mr Vinay Mathur tirelessly managed the registration counter.

Hot Veg and Non Veg starters along with cold drinks were served, followed by a delicious and sumptuous lunch liked by one and all.

A round of Tambola marked the end of the function.


   The Organizing Committee thankfully acknowledges receipt of the following assistance in cash:

a) Rs. 6000 from MAB towards function expenses

b) Rs. 2500 from Smt. Renu/Shri Sushil Mathur (Powai) for gifts to participants

c) Rs. 1500 from Smt. Binnu/Shri Yogesh Mathur (Thane) towards function expenses.

 Special thanks: Our special thanks are due to Smt. Reetu/Shri Arun Mathur (Thane) for arranging the function venue at concessional rates.

b)     Our next Zonal Functions: 


i) MAB’s South Zone (Colaba, Malabar Hill) and Central Zone (Mahim, Worli, Warden Road) are planning to hold their joint Zonal get together in coming March, 2015. Details about date and venue will be shortly announced.

ii) Programmes for the current year 2015 get togethers from other Zones are expected to be planned in due course and will be announced when finalized.

   As has already been brought out in our previous Newsletters, the Zonal functions have their own, significance and importance, more so in the absence of a central Function. They provide a good opportunity not only for members from the concerned Zones but also those from other Zones to meet each other. Entertainment programmes presented by the young local talent, especially those based on Mathur culture theme are appreciated and enjoyed by all.  

3.      Life Membership & MAB Management:

 a)  We welcome Shri Ajay Mathur / Smt. Anila (W-3 / Bandra) for taking  MAB’s Life Membership effective from 17-2-2015.

b) Shri Ankur Dayal / Smt. Sukriti (NW-104A / Andheri-E) have been taken in as a member of MAB’s NW Zone (Zone-6) Zonal Committee.

    It is noted that as a grandson of Late Shri Rajeshwar Dayal Sahib (one of MAB’s founder members) and son of Late Shri Rakesh Dayal (an active past member in our Management), Shri Ankur is the third generation member down the unbroken family line to join us to serve the Mumbai Mathur community.

4.      Our Newsletters: Emailing versus posting

    As you are aware, MAB issues two half yearly Newsletters, one generally at the beginning of a year (Jan-Feb) and the other in mid year (July-Aug) which keep the Biradri informed of its social and cultural activities, member’s achievements and distinctions, weddings and demises in the community etc. Often interesting contributed articles of general interest, particularly about Mathur history and culture are added. These Newsletters are well received by members as we often receive complimentary feedback thereon.

     On and off we receive opinions that instead of sending copies by post, these may be emailed to members, not only to save expenses and labor but also for speedier delivery. Though the suggestion is well intentioned in its own place, it is necessary that in response and perhaps as a duly needed clarification we explain our reasons for preferring the dispatch by post (compared to emailing) are as follows:

a) By post:

Our Newsletters are intended not only for the member concerned but also for his/her spouse, children and the whole family so as to provide and keep alive a flavor of our Mathur culture. It is MAB’s basic philosophy to see that all members in a family, specially the younger generation are kept informed and interested in its activities. In all probabilities this would go a long way to make them feel encouraged to come forward and get involved to take active part its programmes.

    The Newsletter sent by post is a printed copy which can be perused at leisure and in full details not only by the member concerned but also by other family members, thus fulfilling its purpose. Even if it means expenditure and labor in processing and posting, it is well worth it as this is the only way to keep the  families in the entire Mumbai in touch with MAB and its activities. 


  b) Emailing:

Emailing may not fulfill our purpose as much as desired for the following reasons:   

    i) though we have postal addresses of all members, we do not have em id’s of many who have not furnished the same. Many do not have an em id at all.

   ii) many change their id’s without informing us and in such cases our emails to them get bounced, with the possibility of our N/letter, if emailed, not reaching them at all.

   iii) many do not open their inbox regularly due to which they may miss viewing the N/letter (often containing some critical, specific last dates) in time.

   iv) an emailed Newsletter (often long and with attachments) is likely to be  viewed (that too maybe first reading cursorily and perhaps no second reading) only by the member concerned. Almost invariably there will be no chance of its being accessed by other family members, defeating our very intended purpose.    

    However to all our External Life Members who have furnished their em id’s to us, we do send our Newsletters through email.

     We hope members will appreciate our aforesaid reasons in favor of  dispatch of Newsletters by post. After all, our Newsletters are the only link which keeps the Biradri connected with the Association and therefore we attach great importance to its being read by all members in a family.

4. MAB Welfare Trust:

     As members are aware,  in May, 2005  MAB had established a charitable Trust named as “MAB Welfare Trust|” with the main aim of providing financial assistance for medical purposes to our members in distress, educational assistance and other charitable activities. It is funded by contributions from the general public, our members and other well wishers. Being registered under the Charitable Public Trusts Act, its donors are entitled to Tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act., for which the Trust is authorized to issue necessary certificate.

        Total contributions received so far comes to Rs. 2,51,359 only which need to  be further augmented to make our Trust a viable one to meet our objective effectively.

       We appeal to our members to generously contribute to this noble cause and also to try getting contributions from other well wishers, Corporate houses, etc. For processing contributions, kindly contact any member of the MAB Managing / Zonal Committee.

5.      General:

a) Members (including new comers) who have not received our Directory may please get their name listed with Shri S.B. Barellia, our Gen. Secretary. Efforts will be made to supply the Directory to them through the concerned Zonal Committees / during Zonal functions, etc.

     (Add. of Shri Barellia: Block 10B, Flat No. 3, Navjivan Socy, Mori Road, Mahim (W), Mumbai -400 016. Tel: 24467212 / Mob: 9820427290

em id: barellia@yahoo.com)

b) Members are requested to please promptly inform us by email or phone of any change in their postal address, phone nos. and em id to enable us to update our record, website and mailing list.     

c)      For publishing the weddings and deaths in our Newsletters we generally depend upon information received from stray sources by word of mouth. It is likely that some may not come to our knowledge and hence missed in our Newsletter. It is therefore requested that members of the concerned families may kindly inform us directly about all such events so that the information is included in our Newsletter.

Note:For both (b) and (c) above, kindly contact Shri Barellia whose address is given in para  (a) above.

6.      Wedding bells   (since issue of our last Newsletter of August, 2014 )                              

                                        Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love

                                                            And they blossom when we love the one we married

Our heartiest congrats and best wishes to the newlyweds and their families for the following weddings:

1. Kum. Shruti, d/o Smt. Anju &Shri Rakesh Mathur and grand daughter of Shri A.C. Mathur and Late Smt. Satya, (E-1 / Vashi) to Aviral,  s/o Smt. Reena & Shri B.D.Tawakley at Delhi on 18-1-2015.

2. Pranav, s/o Smt. Rina & Shri Umesh B. Lal (E-110 / Nerul) to Kum. Deepali, d/o Smt. Dolly & Shri Dinesh Dayal Mathur (of Jodhpur) at Mumbai on 24-1-2015.

Obituaries: (since issue of our last Newsletter of August, 2014)

      Our heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved families and prayers for peace for the departed souls of the following who left for their heavenly abode:

1. Shri Rakesh Dayal, beloved husband of Smt. Savita (/NW-104 / Andheri-E) at Mumbai

     on 15-8-2014.

     It is recalled that the late Shri Rakesh was one of our old Life Members and a dedicated  member of the NW Zonal Committee, besides being an old ‘Bombayite’ and a prominent member of the Mumbai Mathur biradri.

2. Shri Rameshwar Saran, beloved husband of Smt. Kumud, ( NW-189 / Malad-W) at Mumbai

    on 15-8-2014 

                                                                       For and on behalf of MAB Managing Committee

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Krishna Murari



C/o Mahesh C. Mathur & Co.

First Floor, Kakad House,

Barrack Road,

Near Liberty Cinema

Mumbai 400 020

Phone:    200 2697

Telefax:  200 5618


Website: http://www.geocities.com/bombaymathurs

E-mail: bombaymathurs@yahoo.com