Mini Field Trips

These mini field trips are free to all conference delegates.

Registration for these Mini Field Trips will happen during the conference check-in process, when you arrive to the Karibea Beach Hotel.

Mornings - Day 2 (July 26) and Day 4 (July 28)

Birding in the Mountains

Trip leader: Anthony Levesque

Max. occupancy: 30 people

Time: 5:30am - 8:30am

High target species in the mountains:

Guadeloupe Woodpecker, Plumbeous Warbler, Forest Thrush, LA Saltator, LA Swift, Brown Trembler, LA Flycatcher, Scaly-breasted Thrasher, Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Purple-throated Carib, LA Pewee, Bridled Quail-dove, and more.

Evening - Day 2 (July 26)

Caribbean Martins Coming in to Roost

Trip leader: Anthony Levesque

Max. occupancy: 30 people

Location: Pointe à Pitre town center

Time: 6pm - 8pm

Anthony Levesque has been monitoring these Caribbean Martin roosts for more than a decade.

Changes in the average number of Caribbean Martins roosting in Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, from 2007—2018.

Cambios en el promedio de Caribbean Martins posandose en Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, entre 2007—2018.

Changes in the average number of Caribbean Martins roosting across months of the year in Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, from 2007—2015.

Cambios en el promedio de Caribbean Martins posandose en Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, 2007—2015.

For more specific information on field trips, please reach out to Justin Proctor ( or Anthony Levesque (