Mid-conference Field Trips

Please look over the mid-conference field trip options below, and then follow the links on the Registration Page to sign up and pay


Snorkel + Tern Rafts

Trip leaders: Parc National de la Guadeloupe Staff

Max. occupancy: 12 people (min 8)

Cost: US $40

Location: L'îlet à Fajou, Grand cul de sac Marin

Departure time: 7:30am

Notes: enjoy a fantastic morning snorkeling experience followed by an afternoon trip to visit man-made tern nesting rafts


Afternoon Mangroves

Trip leader: Guy Belair

Max. occupancy: 16 people

Cost: US $40

Location: Vieux-Bourg (Morne à l’Eau)

Departure time: 12:30pm

Notes: visit roosting birds in mangroves in the afternoon, great opportunity for taking pictures of Magnificent Frigatebirds, Brown Pelicans, Herons, and Egrets

Petite Terre

Trip leaders: Eric Delcroix

Max. occupancy: 50 people

Cost: US $60

Location: Petite Terre (by boat from St François)

Travel time from Karibea: 30 minutes

Departure time: 7am

Notes: Dry forest habitat, lagoons, and beaches. Great option for snorkeling with fish and rays; iguanas and endemic skink found here; lunch is provided

Delegates that attend the Petite Terre Eradication Workshop are encouraged to choose this mid-conference field trip

North Basse-Terre Mountains

Trip leaders: Anthony Levesque and Frantz Delcroix

Max. occupancy: 4 0 people x 2 trips = 80 total

Cost: US $40

Location: Mountain road (National Park), Petit-Bourg, Pointe-Noire

Departure time: 5:15am

Notes: rain forest habitat, birding will focus on endemics; lunch will be on the beach on the west side; swimming available

Target species: Guadeloupe Woodpecker, Plumbeous Warbler, Forest Thrush, LA Saltator, LA Swift, Brown Trembler, LA Flycatcher, Scaly-breasted Thrasher, Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Purple-throated Carib, LA Pewee, Bridled Quail-dove, and many more

North Grand-Terre Wetlands

Trip leaders: Parc National de la Guadeloupe Staff, ONF, Hunter Federation

Max. occupancy: 40 people

Cost: US $40

Location: Port-Louis, Anse-Bertrand, Petit-Canal; dry forest and wetlands

Departure time: 5:15am

Notes: This is where the shorebird hunting is taking place; good for shorebirds, herons, etc.; can stop along the way to see some of the target species for Guadeloupe; will include a stop at the Golconde Swamp, where the Parc National de la Guadeloupe has undertaken a reforestation project, chosen as the recipient of our conference Carbon Offset Program.

La Soufrière Volcano

Trip leaders: Antoine Chabrolle

Max. occupancy: 40 people

Cost: US $40

Location: La Soufriere rain forest habitat, high mountain landscapes

Departure time: 5am

Notes: rain forest habitat, high mountain landscapes, lunch on South Basse-Terre, swimming available

Priority for this trip may be given to participants of the Black-capped Petrel Working Group

Target species: Guadeloupe Woodpecker, Plumbeous Warbler, Forest Thrush, LA Saltator, LA Swift, Brown Trembler, LA Flycatcher, Scaly-breasted Thrasher, Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Purple-throated Carib, LA Pewee, Bridled Quail-dove, and many more


Trip leaders: Yasmine Levesque

Max. occupancy: 30 people

Cost: US $40

Location: Grand Etang / Chute du Carbet

Departure time: 5:15am

Notes: birding will focus on endemics; half birding, half waterfall exploration; rum-making restaurant for lunch

Target species: Guadeloupe Woodpecker, Plumbeous Warbler, Forest Thrush, LA Saltator, LA Swift, Brown Trembler, LA Flycatcher, Scaly-breasted Thrasher, Pearly-eyed Thrasher, Purple-throated Carib, LA Pewee, Bridled Quail-dove, and many more

For more specific information on field trips, please reach out to Justin Proctor (justin.proctor@birdscaribbean.org) or Anthony Levesque (anthony.levesque@wanadoo.fr)