Biblical Timeline Of King David's Life

Biblical Timeline Of King David's Life

Teaching Through The Bible Powerfully Using A Biblical Bible Timeline Poster

In our Bible study years ago, somebody, who had been a Christian and laboured in the Church for years, made this statement,"Yes, but Abraham had the Law and so he understood about......" (they were not talking about the pre-mosaic law) I wonder just how many Christians will really notice the inaccuracy in this statement. Moses came about some 500 years after Abraham and so it is an impossibility. I have since then made up a Biblical timeline banner and shown more visually the dating of individuals and events.

Why do we dwell on our pet topics and sugar coated discourses?

We teach on a text from Luke and a story about Jesus and a topical from the book of 1John and then the obedience of Ezra or the healings through Peter - parts from here and everyplace, but we do not put it all together in an evident understandable, easy to remember, perspective with a decent Bible TimeLine including Church History as well. Constantly we're bombarded with new books, modernist ideas, some of them dangerously edging toward Liberal thinking, but if we were to be instructed the fundamental principles of Church history, we then wouldn't be so doomed to repeat it.

Let's us as instructors and preachers stitch together the fragments of the Bible and God's plan into a seamless tapestry that our people can draw on for the rest of life, to help them to figure out God, His Eternal Plan, the function of the Church and how to better translate the Bible to live by.

It is not hard to do, and it is not boring if we're ready to put in a bit of study with prayer and fervor, and just perhaps you can employ a Bible Timeline also.

For added info about a Bible TimeLine go to our Bible TimeLine Chart site and read up on the biblical study tool.

Other Tags: Bible Time, Moses Timeline, Church History Timeline, King David Timeline, Chronological Order Of The New Testament, Bible History Timeline

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The Bible Timeline

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