Global Convergence

Global Convergence is the time from 1400-1800 C.E. During this time there are many significant events that took place. In this task you will examine some of the most significant events including the exploration of the new world, the transportation of food, goods, people and ideas across the Atlantic, the spread and impact of religion, and the discovery of new scientific knowledge.

You will use the sites and resources below to complete the tasks associated with the study of Global Convergence

Below is an overview of the project. It includes an explanation of Global Convergence, the examination of Exploration and lastly Scientific Discovery. We will look at each part separately and set up deadlines for each part of the overall project.


I. Intro to Global Convergence

A. Define GC

B. What does this time period include?

1. Events

2. People

3. Other

II. Exploration

A. Overview of Exploration and LINK to GC

B. Story of explorer introduced

1. Interview with Explorer

2. Interview with Native Peoples

C. Reporters wrap up story

1. connect exploration with GC and the impact this particular event had on both the New and Old Worlds

III. Scientific Discoveries

A. Overview of Scientific Innovations of the time

1. Scientific Innovations overview (done for each innovation)

a. explain the innovation - what is it

b. why is it a significant innovation

c. What link or impact does it have on GC and the world?

IV. Global Convergence Conclusion

A. Why is Global Convergence Important?

B. What happened during the Global Convergence, and how has it impacted the worlds that are now connected?

C. What impact has this had on the people, places, food, environment, societies, governments, families, belief systems of the people?

Global Convergence is the main topic of this project. To demonstrate your understanding of this concept, you will create a newscast or TV program that knowledge. In order to present this information in a meaningful manner, you will create an introduction where you define the concept. You will also include a conclusion where you discuss the impact of Global Convergence on History.

You will create your own video segment where you connect the ideas of Global Convergence. The expectation is to connect the ideas to demonstrate what you know about this time period. What impact did it have on the world? You will discuss the topics of Exploration, Religion and Science and link them to show how the world has changed as a result.


Explorers, they came, they saw, they conquered!

You will study one of the many explorers of this time and create an xtranormal video that demonstrates what happened and explains what impact the contact of the explorer and the natives made on each population.

Scientific Discovery

You will find an innovation that happened during the time period of Global Convergence. You will need to research the innovation and explain how and why it is important to history.

When you have found your innovation, you will submit your topic on the Science Innovation Spreadsheet.

Final Assessment of the project is to complete a write up demonstrating your understanding of the major events of the time period. This should include information presented from your classmates.

Final Reflection

Global Convergence ‎(Responses)‎