
Serve or Die (good conditioning!)

1st person on serving team runs to 10ft line then base line then net then base then serves. If make serve then +1 – take point away for missed serves. First team to finish gets extra point.

Second runner starts as soon as 1st runner touches base (after touching 10 ft line). 

Instead of scoring you could also make person who missed serve rerun.

Serve at Chairs

    Each serving team must serve at two chairs in specified locations on court. Team that contacts each chair twice wins.

Serving Web

Dead Fish

1 min continuous serving  - no misses

Serving to Score Drill

Divide your court up into a grid containing

nine zones (3 rows, 3 columns).  I use tape

to make the grid.

Place a target (hula hoop or small mat) in the

center of each zone.

A serve hitting the target in any of the 3 farthest

zones earns 5 points.  Hitting the zone, but not

the target, earns 2 points. 

Serves landing on the targets in the middle row earn

earn 2 points, with 1 point awarded for hitting the

zone but not the target.

The closest row earns 10 points for a target hit,

and 5 points for a non-target hit. 

Have your players keep track of their own scores as

they rotate through the drill.