אלון זהוב - Q. alnifolia

א. זהוב, צילום אורי פרגמן

העץ הלאומי של קפריסין

השם הלטיני של האלון, נגזר מן השם הלטיני העתיק לעץ. שם הסוג, alnifolia, כנראה מגיע מהדמיון של עלי העץ לזה של עץ האלמון, alnus. השם, אלון זהוב, ניתן לעץ לתאור הגוון התחתון של עלי העץ.


האלון הזהוב, הוא עץ ירוק עד, בעל נוף של שיח גדול או עץ קטן המגיע לגובה של 10 מטר. בטבע בד"כ מסתעף בצורת כתר. העלים פשוטים. חלקם העליון בגוון ירוק כהה עם ברק. בחלקם התתון, מזכיר לבד בצבע זהוב חום. הפרחים חד מיניים. הפרי, בלוט צר, אובלי בצבע חום עם ההבשלה.

סביבה טבעית

צומח בגובה של 400-1,800 מטר בסלע יסוד (אופיוליט).

פורח בחדשים אפריל-מאי.

הפרי מבשיל בחודשים נובמבר-דצמבר.

יוצר בטבע הכלאות עם האלון המצוי.


from CY MOA site

Latin name: Quercus alnifolia Poech

Common name: Golden oak

Nomenclature: The genus name Quercus is derived from the ancient Latin name for the oak tree; the species has been named alnifolia due to the similarity of its leaves with that of alder (Alnus). The common English name “golden oak” refers to the golden-yellow colour of the lower surface of leaves. Fruiting branches of golden oak


Golden oak is an evergreen, small tree or large shrub up to 10 m high, usually much branched with a wide crown. Its leaves are simple, coriaceous, petiolate, and usually ovate with serrate margins. The upper surface of leaves is shining dark green and the lower surface densely golden or brownish-tomentose. The flowers are unisexual; the male catkins are greenish-yellow, forming spreading or pendulous clusters at the tips of the branches; the female are axillary, solitary or in groups of 2-3. Its fruit is a narrowly obovate or subcylindrical nut (acorn), with brown colour at maturity; the cupule, at the base of acorn, is closely covered with strongly recurved scales.

Habitat - Biology:

Golden oak occurs on igneous, rocky mountainsides from 400 to 1800 m. It flowers from April to May and the fruits ripen fromNovember to December. Occasionally, it can hybridise with kermes oak (Quercus coccifera subsp. calliprinos). Golden oak in tree form


Golden oak is an endemic species of Cyprus, restricted to the ophiolite rocks (igneous rocks) of the Troodos range where it dominates locally. It forms high maquis and participates as a main species in the understory vegetation of the pine forests. The most extensive formations (pure golden oak stands or mixed with Pinus brutia) occur in Pafos, Troodos, Adelfoi and Machaeras forests, at an altitude of 600 to 1600 m.

Ecological importance, uses:

Golden oak is a species of great ecological value due to its ability to colonise stony and rocky slopes (loose screes of diabase rocks), offering soil stabilisation against erosion; in addition, its fruits are excellent food for fauna. As a broadleaf species, it can readily regenerate after fire or felling through coppicing.The habitat type “Scrub and low forest vegetation of Quercus alnifolia (9390)” is a priority habitat of Annex I, Directive 92/43/EEC. Therefore, large forest expanses have been proposed for inclusion in the Natura 2000 network, to protect, among others, the endemic forests of golden oak. In exceptional cases, golden oak attains dimensions of great trees, which are regarded as nature monuments. Its wood is excellent as firewood and it is suitable for the construction of tool handles and other small articles. Golden oak has an ornamental value and can be used in roadside plantations and gardens, in the submountainous and mountainous areas.

Protection status:

Quercus alnifolia as a species is protected by forest law, in addition it protected as a habitat type by the directive 92/43/EEC. The most extensive and important stands of Quercus alnifolia are found in state forest land and are adequately protected.