Biological Wastewater Treatment.

A complete line of modular treatment plants for houses, villas, hotels, commercial activities from Pretreatment to Recycle Advanced treatments.

Our product list and our experience allow you to respect the law and your environmental awareness.

We don’t simply sell to you a tank but solutions for environmental and healthy living standards.

Be aware that a wrong designed or wrong installed septic system can persecute you with bad smells up to health problem.

Plants are proposed after a study of site location, final discharge point, ground permeability, foot space, energy and maintenance cost.

From the losmen of the 70's, Bali now have so many charming and luxury places that may and can invest in their green image.

Value of the lands and of the Villas is in constant grow and a property in the strategic place has an incredible value.

Investing in ‘green’ is critical for the revenue stream and to attract and retain customers.

For this an "ethical" waste water treatment plant or a Waste water recycling project became affordable and can offer an interesting R.O.I.

Investments must be approved and planned so NOW is the moment to be prepared.

What Bali Ecological center can do for you?

  • Water consumption survey
  • Water consumption reduction program
  • Existing plant control and maintenance
  • Existing plant retrofitting
  • Oil & foam trap for grey water
  • Complete IPAL (Waste water treatment plant) to discharge into the law limits
  • Biofilm Reactors fix or moving, aerobic or anaerobic
  • Advanced Vertical Biofilter AVB ™
  • Pond Bio filtration
  • Odor removal
  • Sludge dewatering bags Ecodrain™
  • Sludge digester BEC-CO ™


  1. For industrial waste water is possible to arrive at very high recovery rate or Zero Liquid Discharge Plant and in our previous European company we have many reference.
  2. For the commercial sector is technical possible but not proposabe. No one want to wash his face with recycled water!
  3. No magic solution! Environmental technology is document and based on easy concept that your engineers can and must verify.
  4. No one solution. Plant must selected according water final discharge point, plant foot print, energy and maintenance cost and of course budget!
  5. Plant needs maintenance and produce sludge
  6. Using partially treated water for watering the garden is not water recycling!