WHY INVESTE MONEY IN IPAL (Waste Water Treatment) ? 6 good reasons !

  1. We are guests on this beautiful Island and we have to preserve it for the future generations.
  2. The economy of Bali is tourism based and if we pollute it we kill the entire economy.
  3. Bali is undergoing a “green revolution” and we must help the community.
  4. Indonesia is changing fast. From 2011 the new law for waste water provides a Waste Water Treatment Plant for every commercial activity.
  5. Penalties are severe and it’s better to make a small investment now than pay a huge fine later. No one is controlling now, but in the future?
  6. Installing a WWT and or a recycling plant adds extra value to your villa, hotel or business. More and more people are moving into an eco tourism mode and this investment can increase your business,your” eco” image and the value of your property.


I have a septic tank,isn’t this enough?

If you are not connected to a sewage system , NO. Septic tanks reduce bacteria , and BOD max to 50 %.

In crowded areas, dispersing the septic tank water in the ground means contaminating the well water with dangerous bacteria.

Septic tanks also require regular maintenance

I collect the grey water ( kitchen, shower, laundry ) in a tank and I dump it.

NO, this water contains surfactants , BOD, oil and grease and must be treated.

Someone is offering me a very small and super cheap Waste Water Treatment for my 75 room hotel.

Water treatment is always a question of flow rate, surfaces, cross flow velocity and energy and chemical consumption.

We design our plant according international standards, we use approved, scientific and documented technology that we can explain to you .

Bali Belly

Always when we have Bali Belly we accuse the food, please be conscient that often the cause is the water. The water from your well that you or your neighbor are contaminating with sewage.

Activated sludge, Imofh, MBR, MBBR, I’m confused!

Technology is selected according to water final discharge point, plant foot print, energy and maintenance cost and of course budget!


Biological Wastewater Treatment.

A complete line of modular treatment plants for houses, villas, hotels, commercial activities from Pretreatment to Recycle Advanced treatments.

Our product list and our experience allow you to respect the law and your environmental awareness.

We don’t simply sell to you a tank but solutions for environmental and healthy and living standards.

Be aware that a wrong designed or wrong installed septic system can persecute you with bad smells up to health problem.

Plants are proposed after a study of site location, final discharge point, ground permeability, foot space, energy and maintenance cost.

The standard models are in FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics) build under OUR design. This allow modular and fast installation, Less Excavation and less labor management problem.

If you need we can propose a Turn key installation , design your concrete tank or review the third parts design.


Our friends!
