PhD student / postdoc: Visual robot navigation (Bielefeld, Germany)

Post date: Apr 12, 2011 8:32:42 AM

The Computer Engineering Group at the Faculty of Technology of

Bielefeld University, Germany (chair: Prof. Dr. Ralf Moeller, offers a temporary position (2 years) as

doctoral or postdoctoral researcher (salary level E13 TV-L)

starting June 1, 2011.

The employee will work for 75% of the time in a research project on

visual navigation of mobile robots and will be actively involved in

the research and development of related methods for visual navigation,

mapping, movement strategies, etc.

In the remaining 25% of the time, the employee will support the chair

of the group in organization and research.

The applicant should hold a university's Master's or Diploma degree in

computer science, engineering, mathematics, or physics. A background in

image processing and robotics is expected, as well as solid

programming skills and advanced mathematical competences.

Bielefeld University encourages disabled people to apply. Applications

of women are expressly requested; in the case of comparable competences

and qualification, women will be considered preferably if there are no

dominating reasons arising from another applicant's person.

Please send your application along with the usual documents (including

the names and e-mail addresses of two referees) until April 26, 2011 to

AG Technische Informatik

Sekretariat, Frau Angelika Deister

Technische Fakult?t

Universit?t Bielefeld

PO Box 100131, D-33501 Bielefeld

or via e-mail to