
I am an enthusiastic Robotics engineer. My area of research involves Robotics, swarm robotics, modular robotics, aerial robots (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - UAVs), Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs), Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL), Verification of

robustness and reliability of robotic system operation.

However my area of research also takes me into Self Replicating Swarm Robotics and Evolutionary bio-inspired Robotics.

Post Graduate Degree (PhD):

I completed my PhD with distinction (Trés Honarable) in 2012 December from Université de Picardie Jules Vernes, France. My PhD research topic was "Estimation of 3D pose of aerial robots/UAVs from their shadow"

The project was jointly funded by Regional Council of Picardie and Université de Picardie Jules Vernes, France.

further detail on my PhD thesis : please visit the website : " Estimation of 3D pose of aerial robots/UAVs from their shadow".

I was supervised under Dr.Pascal Vasseur (Prof Université de Rouen) & Dr.Peter Sturm ( Director INRIA Rhones Alpes,France)with Dr.Cédéric Demoncaux (Prof Université de Bourgogne, Labratoire LE2I at Le Creusot).

Post Graduate Degrees:

I finished my 3 masters studies in 2009 June. It was in "Robotics & Computer Vision " from three universities specializing in different

aspects of the Robotics. These were namely as follows.

The following Universities have issued me 3 degrees.

1. Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)

2. University de Girona, Girona, Spain

3. Université de Bourgogne, France

I finished my Master's thesis under Dr.Fabio Caparelli based for the 'European Commission's FP7 titled "REPLICATOR"'. It was based

on the bio-inspired self replicating robot organisms with vision system on board. It is the worlds biggest Swarm bio-inspired robotics

project involving many universities and industrial partners. More information on this project could be obtained from the weblink below

Please Click on the "Master's thesis" link below to access a copy of the thesis. However it can be downloaded from attachments below.

Master's Thesis

It was a learning experience for me to develop my keen interest into this field of swarm bio inspired robotics and so did I decided to

pursue my PhD.

Under Graduate Degree:

I finished my Under-Graduate studies in 2006 June. This was a 4 year B-Tech degree in "Electronics & Instrumentation" under the

School of Electrical Sciences at Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore, India ( and partially at

Technische Universitat Dresden, Dresden, Germany ( ).

Please Click on the "Bachelor's thesis" link below to access a copy of the thesis.

Bachelor's Thesis