PhD and Post doc openings JANUARY 2011

Post date: Sep 28, 2010 1:8:51 PM

Department of Automatics, Biocybernetics, and Robotics, Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has several research positions available in the area of cognitive robotics, robot learning, and robot vision (funded PhD studentships and postdoctoral positions). The positions are related to new EU FP7 cognitive systems projects and Slovenian national projects (principal investigator for these projects at JSI is dr. Ales Ude). The research topics include

- motor and action learning in large databases of motion capture data

- observation of human activities by a humanoid visual system

- learning object categories and affordances on humanoid robots

- motor learning with dynamic systems

- robot coaching

- physical robot-robot and robot-human interaction

The above topics indicate the possible themes of research. Precise research programmes will be defined based on interests and abilities of the successful candidates. Their research will be conducted on state of the art robotic systems available at JSI and in collaboration with several leading European robotics and cognitive systems research groups who work with JSI on EU FP7 projects.

Interested candidates holding a degree in computer science, engineering, or applied mathematics are invited to apply. Desired skills include programming in C/C++ and Matlab, and prior experience in fields such as robot learning, computer vision, machine learning, and autonomous robots.

To apply you should send a statement of motivation related to one of the above topics (up to one page), a curriculum vitae, scanned transcripts of grades and diplomas, and contact information of at least two referees to Applications will be evaluated as they are received, until all positions are filled. The earliest possible starting date is January 1st, 2011.