Multiple PhD Robotics ITALY

Post date: Sep 01, 2010 6:36:31 PM



University of Genoa - Italian Institute of Technology

Doctoral Course on "Robotics, Cognition and Interaction Technologies"

PhD positions are available at the Italian Institute of Technology to work

on the Open Source humanoid robot iCub ( under the

following themes:

Theme 1.1: Finite element analysis and CAD design of robotic components made

from engineered stiffness composite materials

Theme 1.2: Learning body dynamics and control

Theme 1.3: Manipulation, touch & learning in a humanoid robot

Theme 1.4: Advanced humanoid robot programming techniques

Theme 1.5: Developing perception in a humanoid robot

Theme 1.6: Variable impedance control and modelling

Theme 1.7: Developing motoric perceptual categories for support relations

Theme 1.8: Active perception for learning the self and others

Theme 1.16: Fast adaptation to novel kinematics and dynamics contexts

Theme 1.17: Speech perception using motor information

Theme 1.18: Reaching and moving in peripersonal space for a humanoid robot

Theme 1.19: Information theoretic learning of sensorimotor coordination

Not all posts need to be filled. They are just indicative of the topics and

skills we're looking for. The successful applicant has to be motivated and

curious, hold a Masters degree (disciplines are indicated in the call and

may vary depending on the theme) and simultaneously she/he has to be

technically talented to transform ideas into reality. Not less importantly,

students are required to develop their research on the iCub humanoid robot

(or parts of it).

Students will join the multidisciplinary environment of the "Robotics, Brain

and Cognitive Sciences" (RBCS) department of IIT

( At RBCS we are doing first class neuroscience

and robotics research by sharing fundamental scientific objectives in the

field of action execution and interpretation (see for example RBCS list of

publications as well as our international collaborations).

Our laboratories are fully equipped and IIT has established facilities for

mechanical, electronics and material studies, development and engineering.

Students can count on experienced support technicians but also with a

growing community of iCub developers (20 robots exist worldwide).

To apply please send a detailed CV, a research statement/plan, reference

letters, degree certificates, transcripts of grades and any additional

support material via the online form at

(follow the links and instructions). You need to specify the theme (only

one!) you're most interested in and formulate the research statement

accordingly. The deadline for application is the 24th of September 2010 (no

extensions are possible, no exceptions).

For administrative help with the application please contact Ms. Anastasia

Bruzzone ( For questions about the research

topics or additional background information please contact Giorgio Metta at (other contact people are listed in the respective




Giorgio Metta <>

Italian Institute of Technology

Via Morego, 30

16163 Genoa, Italy

Ph: +39 010 7178-1411

Fax: +39 010 7170-817