Chapter 30: The Making of Industrial Society




                                                      1. Women were more religious then men.

                                                      2. They were pure in heart, mind, and body.

                                                      3. They should submit to their husbands.

                                                      4. They should stay at home.


Focus Question #1

            What appears to be the necessary conditions for industrialization? Give specific examples in Britain, Germany, US, and Russia.


            To enter into an industrialization period, a region/state must have raw materials, a willing labor force, and the technological advances to be industrialized.

            Take Britain, for example. The British had a large work force, willing and ready to jump head into the industrial revolution. They also had the technological means to do so, many of the inventors of key industrial revolution machines were British. However, the amount of raw materials they had was small compared to other states. This was a non-factor though, because of all the colonies British had at the time that they could bring in resources from.

            The US, is also a good example. Although the willing labor force was not as large as Britain’s, they still had enough laborers. The United States also had a bounty of raw materials, which allowed for them to take part in industrialization. The technological advances they needed came from Europe, which diffused over.




Focus Question #2

            What were the beneficial and the adverse effects of industrialization?


            Some of the beneficial effects of industrialization were that it encouraged rapid urbanization, created booming economies, and rapid technological advances. On the other hand, it also was detrimental in that it sometimes generated widespread and unsettling social changes, while also straining traditional domestic life.

            Because industrialization was occurring, factories and settlements were being built up around natural resources. Wherever these factories and settlements popped up, urbanization occurred rapidly. Also some technological advances, such as the steam engine, widely improved factory methods and transportation. All of these, working together, largely improved human life.

            The negatives of the industrialization, however, were also bad. The social changes that resulted from this were very negative. Some of these changes included the mistreatment of women and girls in mines, and other work places. The traditional domestic life was also damaged because children, and even mothers, were forced to work.




Focus Question #3

            What were the global effects of industrialization?


            Industrialization caused an increased amount of globalization; this was done through an increased amount of trade and communication between regions.

            Globalization, which is defined as becoming or making something more international, was increased because places were having to trade with each other for raw materials that they needed to develop new industrial goods and machinery. Because of this increase in trade, communication also had to increase. An example of this communication was the telephone, which allowed long distance contact between two or more persons.

            Industrialization also resulted in international corporations and mass production. International corporations, such as the East India Trading Company, also increased globalization. Mass production increased the quantity of goods, while not necessarily increasing the quality of goods. But this mass production also caused increased competition between corporations, which did allow for an increased quality of goods.