Academic Honest Policy

This is a copy of my school's Academic Honesty Policy, I believe it can apply to anyone.


Out of school student to student consultation or assistance from parents and/or tutors may be exempted from these considerations.


There will be appropriate consequences applied for infractions of these rules. The sanctions may include any or all of the following: a lowered grade for the individual assignment or for the course itself, parental notification and/or an office referral. Individual staff members of departments may choose additional consequences that correspond with the magnitude of the specific offense."


This site falls under the exemption because it is somewhat like a "out of school student to student consultation". However, if you copy and paste, then you are being dishonest and breaking this policy. Also, by agreeing to this policy, you are exempting me from any punishment. So I thank you for that.


To enter the site, press "I agree to this policy".