William J. Clinton Fellowship 2020, Application, Dates

William J. Clinton Fellowship 2020, Application, Dates

The William J. Clinton Fellowship for Service in India is an immersive, 10-month volunteer service program matching young professionals with development organizations. Fellows work on scalable and sustainable development projects in the fields of education, livelihoods, and public health.

The AIF Clinton Fellowship is helping to shape the next generation of leaders committed to positive change while also strengthening civil society in both the U.S. and India.

Through collaboration and capacity-building, Fellows, AIF and civil society leaders form dynamic partnerships to capacity-build, exchange knowledge and skills, and share a mutual passion for advancing social and economic development. Fellows serve on an annual basis from September 1st, 2020 to July 2nd, 2020 with development organizations across India.


Candidates must:

Be a U.S. or Indian citizen, or a U.S. permanent resident

Be between the ages of 21 and 34 on September 1, 2020

Have completed a Bachelor’s degree (or higher) before the start of the program on September 1, 2020

Background and Skills

While the program is highly competitive, development work is by nature interdisciplinary and requires teams with diverse skill sets. We encourage candidates from all fields, disciplines and sectors to apply. We welcome applicants from a variety of backgrounds and levels of experience.

Whatever one’s field may be, a candidate should demonstrate a deep interest, passion, and commitment to social and economic development in India. Candidates must show humility and an eagerness to learn within a cross-cultural context. Ideal candidates possess strong professional skills, relevant volunteer or other practical experience, and applicable academic credentials or training. They show a potential for leadership and are entrepreneurial, innovative, and creative in finding solutions and navigating unknown organizational and cultural environments.

Candidates must be flexible and adaptable, and possess exceptional ability to build meaningful relationships across cultures in the social development space. A sensitivity and ability to work with vulnerable communities, as well as humility and passion to acquire new skills informally and “learn by doing” while on the project, are essential for a successful Fellowship.

Although proficiency in an Indian language other than English is not required to apply, it is encouraged. Language skills may be considered for suitable on-site placements.

If accepted into the program, Fellows may be eligible to receive some language training in a local language related to their project.

Regardless of existing language fluency, the ability to work across language barriers is important during the Fellowship. With over 19,500 languages or dialects spoken across India, even locals often must rely on informal translators from the community, or have to find other ways to communicate!