Conversation Between Doctor And Patient

Conversation Between Doctor And Patient

This post contains conversation between a doctor and a patient/ attendant on five different medical issues:

    • Fever and sore throat,

    • Headache,

    • Stomach ache,

    • Cancer, and

    • Glaucoma (an ailment of eye)

Whereas the first three conversations take place in a clinic, the last two take place in a hospital.

The three main characters – doctor, patient/ attendant, and support (reception, billing etc.) – in these conversations have been color-coded for ease of browsing. Furthermore, explanations and activities outside the conversation have been put in brackets so that you can easily follow what’s happening.

Patient: Good evening doctor.

Doctor: Good evening. You look pale and your voice is out of tune.

Patient: Yes doctor. I’m running a temperature and have a sore throat.

Doctor: Lemme see.

(He touches the forehead to feel the temperature.)

Doctor: You’ve moderate fever.

(He then whips out a thermometer.)

Patient: This thermometer is very different from the one you used the last time. (Unlike the earlier one which was placed below the tongue, this one snapped around one of the fingers.)

Doctor: Yes, this is a new introduction by medical equipment companies. It’s much more convenient, as it doesn’t require cleaning after every use.

Patient: That’s awesome.

Doctor: Yes it is.

(He removes the thermometer and looks at the reading.)

Doctor: Not too high – 99.8.

(He then proceeds with measuring blood pressure.)

Doctor: Your blood pressure is fine.

(He then checks the throat.)

Doctor: It looks bit scruffy. Not good.

Patient: Yes, it has been quite bad.

Doctor: Do you get sweating and shivering?

Patient: Not sweating, but I feel somewhat cold when I sit under a fan.