Acumen Fellowship Program 2020 for Leaders: Apply

Acumen Fellowship Program 2020 for Leaders: Apply

The Acumen Fellowship program is an intensive leadership development program cultivating a pipeline of tomorrow’s social changemakers. Over the course of a year, Fellows remain in their jobs while participating in five, multi-day immersive seminars and engaging in online content between seminars. Currently operating in Malaysia, Bangladesh, Colombia, East Africa, India, and West Africa, the Fellows Program equips leaders from across the country or region with the knowledge, skills and community to become more effective, collaborative agents of change.

Core Curriculum

Adaptive Leadership

Based off the work of Harvard Professor Ron Heifitz, Adaptive Leadership is a practical leadership framework that helps individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in challenging environments.

Authentic Voice

Building off the work of Marshall Ganz, Fellows develop their capacity to articulate their story of self, us and now. Fellows are equipped to articulate a hopeful vision, speak across lines of difference, and move others to action.

Good Society Readings

The Good Society Readings explore the meaning of a just society and the moral and historical foundation of social change through a series of curated readings of great thinkers.

Managing Polarities

Fellows are taught decision-making methodologies that empower them to embrace competing goals and navigate the tensions between them.


The Fellows we seek are:

Typically in one of the following trajectories: entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and organizational builders whether for-profit, nonprofit, or in government.

Individuals who have a demonstrated history of impact, commitment and concrete connection to the region.

Leaders with strong personal integrity, unrelenting perseverance and moral imagination.

Committed individuals ready to undergo an intensive year-long personal transformation and leadership journey followed by an induction into the larger Fellows Community.

Individuals of all ages and education levels who are able to participate in a program conducted in English, or in Spanish for those in the Program in Colombia.