Summer Holidays


Objectif général : S’exprimer de plus en plus longtemps en anglais.

Pour cela il faut penser le projet avec du recul, c’est-à-dire, d’abord de façon globale

Planter le décor :

· Projet proposé par le professeur

· Vacances particulières : 2 mois, long, rythme de vie différent : horaires etc. déplacements ou pas et pendant combien de temps, activités),

Puis penser le projet de façon plus approfondie :

· Donner un maximum de détails sur un maximum de domaines de façon chronologique :

o Quand (moment précis – 1ère semaine, 2ème, pendant 10 jours, tous le mois etc.)

o où, mais où précisément

§ Comment : Moyens de locomotion (à pied, à vélo, en voiture, en train, en ferry, en avion etc.)

§ Hébergement : habitation familiale, location, appartement, maison etc.

o avec qui, ou seul(e)

o chez qui,

o distances,

o pendant combien de temps,

o appréciation : bien pas bien,

o météo,

o activités dans le détail (installations et matériel à disposition, difficultés, intérêt)

o repas,

o découvertes,

Conclusion : Votre appréciation de vos vacances.

Ouvrir: fin des vacances, et maintenant….?

Notion de temps: ==> Apprendre et s'entraîner (sur ici ==> sur quizlet lien

- For hours/ for four days /for two weeks /for one(a) month /for a year etc.

-For a long time

- Two and a half hours

-The whole month

-The first two weeks

-All day/ all week / all year round


-The week before / The previous week

-The week after / The following week

-Since the the first day…

-all day

==> Apprendre et s'entraîner ici

Enchaîner les événements: page Quizlet lien - page lien (en travaux)

Before + V_ing



after that,


later on

Eventually = finally

Notion de lieu / géographie: page Quizlet lien - page lien (en construction)

- home

-went to my grandparents' (place)

-went to my friends’ (place)

-French Riviera


-Corsica, Italy, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, Greece etc.

-I didn't go anywhere (special)

-I went abroad ≠ I didn’t go abroad

-I went to Spain, in a beautiful place/village… on a beautiful island.

-North - South - East – West – North East – South West -


Développer la notion de lieu:


Landes : it's by the sea / on the west coast of France-

-it's next to..., it's near... it’s not very far from …

Transport / Journey, how did you get there ?:

-by car à We went to Paris by car à we drove to Paris

-by coach à I travelled by coach

-by plane à I went to London by plane à I took a plane to London à I flew to London à

-ferry à I took a ferry to…

-by taxi àI took a taxi…

-by taxi àI took a train to Paris

-on foot à I went to the beach on foot à I walked to the beach

Hébergement: Accomodation

-I stayed at some friends’ (place)

-I slept at my grandparents’ (place)

-I stayed home for one month/two weeks…

Activities around your house

-I used to go to bed/to sleep at midnight every day.

-I got up every morning at 10 o’clock

- early ≠ late

-I played video games (for) six hours a day!

-I read four books this summer

-I surfed the Web

-I watched Youtube

-I ate special food: Italian food, ice-cream, fruit (pine apple, water melon, melon, salads)

-I went to McDonald’s / Burger King/ KFC (fast food restaurants)

-I walked in the mountains

-I went horse-riding



-most of the time




Sport activities:

-I played football / tennis / paintball / airsoft with my friends

-I went to the swimming-pool with my friends.

-I went swimming, climbing, water-skiing, surfing, wake boarding,


-I visited … by bus

-I went on a city tour of London by bus

-We walked around the town

-We did an excursion to…

-We walked around the lake in Annecy

-We visited a museum


The weather was fine ≠ aweful

We had a nice ≠ horrible weather

It was very hot



-since: dans la mesure où, puisque...

-That's why

Any problem?:

Everything went ok


Always : toujours

Usually : d’habitude, habituellement

Often : souvent

Most of the time : la plupart du temps

Sometimes : quelque fois

Seldom/rarely : rarement

Never : jamais

Extremely : extrêmement

Too + adj : trop

Very : très

Quite : assez

Not very: pas très…

Not …(adj) at all : pas du tout

Récurrence : once, twice, three times, four times etc.

Adjectifs positifs:

Nice: agréable, bien, sympa

beautiful : beau, belle

interesting : intéressant

relaxing : reposant

great ! super!

fantastic ! fantastique!

fabulous: Fabuleux!

wonderful! merveilleux!

amazing! genial, impressionnant!

brilliant ! genial!

breath-taking : à couper le souffle

Expressions positives :

awesome !

just perfect!

It was good fun!

I had a good time!

I really enjoyed my holidays!

It was the best holidays of my life!

It was nice spending some time with my family, friends etc.

I’m looking forward to go(ing) there again!

Adjectifs négatifs:

Not nice: pas bien, pas joli, pas sympa

Boring: ennuyeux

strange: étrange

disappointing : décevant

much too long! : beaucoup trop long !

bad: mauvais

very hard: très dur

painful: douloureux

horrible : horrible

terrible : terrible

rubbish: nul

stupid : stupide

Expressions négatives :

That’s a shame! C’est / quel dommage!

(what) a waste of time ! (quelle) perte de temps

Never again!: plus jamais ça!

The weather was lousy ! Le temps était vraiment moche !


I had a great holiday!

It was nice spending more time with my parents /

It was nice spending some time away from my parents

We had a really nice time

Well, (unfortunately) then it was time to get prepared for school again.

But it’s cool to see my friends again at school.