Useful .do Files


Fits a linear regression with muliple fixed effects. Extension of a reg.

aareg vary varx, a(catvar1 catvar2)

Download aareg.ado (13 Nov 2007)


Calculates a difference in differences estimator.

dind vara1 vara2 varb1 varb2 - or -

dind var, over(bvar1 bvar2)

Download dind.ado (2 Oct 2007)


Does multiple tests on difference in differences estimators

ddd stub1 stub2, i(infix1 infix2) p(postfix1 postfix2) - or -

ddd var1 var2, over(bvar1 bvar2)

Download ddd.ado (4 Oct 2007)


Fits a logit model and displays marginal effects.

dlogit vary varx

Download dlogit.ado (2 May 2007)


Does a T-test correcting for survey parameters.

svyttest var1 var2 - or -

svyttest var, by(bvar)

Download svyttest.ado (1 Oct 2007)


Does multiple F-tests (or series of T-tests). (Replaces ttt, ttt3g etc.)

tabletest stub1 stub2 stub3, p(postfix1 postfix2 - or -

tabletest var, by(bvar)

Download tabletest.ado (20 Nov 2008)


Compares two to four categorical variables that take on similar values.

tabcomp var1 var2

Download tabcomp.ado (8 Oct 2007)


For each value of a variable, lists all the values that a second variable takes on.

tablist var1 var2

Download tablist.ado (31 Oct 2007)


Lists all the values taken on by a variable.

vallist var

Download vallist.ado (30 Oct 2007)

Keywords: Andrew Johnston, Andrew, Johnston, Education, Wharton, vita, curriculum vitae, cv, economics, applied economics, economist, microeconomics, empirics, empirical economics