Power Calculations

Power calculations for economics experiments can get very complicated when one's randomization is not at the individual level, there is clustering, or the use of regression discontinuity, or other instruments.

I suggest PowerUp! which is an excel sheet that has a page for each research design I've ever needed. Just plug in the sample size, outcome variation, and a few other details and it does all the work for you!

Here is a link to the tool itself (if it doesn't work, it's attached below). Here is an alongside write-up that explains the tool (also uploaded below).

Keywords: Andrew Johnston, Andrew, Johnston, economics, applied economics, economist, microeconomics, empirics, empirical economics, Wharton, Andrew Johnston, Economics, Andrew Johnston economics, Andrew Johnston, Andrew, Johnston, economics, applied economics, economist, microeconomics, empirics, empirical economics, Wharton, Andrew Johnston, Economics, Andrew Johnston economics