Do you want to become a better citizen and a leader -- confident, self-reliant and self disciplined? Then Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) is for you. Take our aerospace science program and explore the civilian, industrial, and military aspects of aerospace.

Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps is a continuing success story. From the mid-1960s to the present , and into the 21st century, our program has grown and touched the lives of thousands of America's students. The AFJROTC program positively influences our country by helping one student at a time. Our instructors, who retired as some of the Air Force's finest leaders, are helping to form tomorrow's nation by educating our proud and patriotic cadets -­ tomorrow's leaders.

Career-minded high school students will learn about jobs in the Air Force that will open important opportunities for the future. High schools students who complete the aerospace science program in AFJROTC may be able to enter the military at pay grades higher than most enlistees. Also, you'll be prepared to work in an expanding technological world -- in the Air Force or as a civilian .

College-bound students can compete for Air Force Academy nominations or AFROTC scholarships, directly through their AFJROTC unit. Cadets can also receive credit for the first year of an Air Force ROTC four-year college program -- plus, free uniforms, insignia and ROTC textbooks . They may also receive priority processing when entering the Air Force if they win the Congressman Herbert Advanced Placement Award. Make your high school years more exciting and fun by enrolling in Air Force Junior ROTC.

Air Force Junior ROTCs' Goals:

    • To instill in high school students the values of 'Citizenship.'
    • Service to the United States
    • Personal Responsibility
    • A Sense of Accomplishment

TUSOLA High School NC-075's ROTC Goals:

    • The basic elements of national security Respect for constituted authority
    • Self discipline
    • Integrity, personal honor, and self-respect
    • Air Force drill & ceremony
    • Military traditions :and courtesy
    • Teamwork
    • The value of community and school service