Academic Policies

Our four-year Aerospace Science/Leadership Education curriculum i s designed to help prepare you for college-level academics or vocations involving aeronautics, aviation, and/or management. The curriculum is intended to open new doors to you in areas not often taught in other high school courses. However , you must often use knowledge learned in other courses such as math , science and history as a basis for understanding our curriculum. Reading and writing are basis skills always required in Aerospace Science. These skills are all necessary to become a Better Citizen.

1 . Textbooks: You may be assigned at least one textbook and workbook in both Leadership Education and Aerospace Science. If so, please note these materials are US Air Force property provided by the American taxpayers. Therefore , you are fully responsible for taking care of these books. You will be charged for lost or damaged books

2. Reading: Read the assigned portions of the text BEFORE class so you can understand what is discussed during class.

3. Homework: Homework will be regularly assigned in both Aerospace Science and Leadership Education. Homework may be in the form of worksheets that outline a chapter, workbook chapters that coincide with classroom presentations or textbook chapters, or oral presentation preparation.

4. Written assignments are usually due at the beginning of the class. You will receive a zero if homework is not turned in on time. Unfinished classroom assignments should normally be finished as homework and turned in the next class period. Homework grades count as a considerable portion of your academic grade.

5. Makeup Work: If you are absent when homework is given, strive to make up work you missed immediately upon your return to school. Each instructor will explain his makeup work policy at the beginning of the school year.

6. Testing Policy: Tests and quizzes are given regularly during all Aerospace Science and Leadership Education classes . Chapter test and quiz grades constitute a significant portion of your report card grade each marking period. Although most major tests are announced in advance so you have time for additional study and preparation , each instructor reserves the right to conduct "pop quizzes" as necessary .

7. Makeup Tests: The best plan is to be present when tests are given. Most major AFJROTC tests begin with supervised test reviews conducted by your senior AS-IV cadets and/or flight commander. However, if you must be absent, upon your return make an appointment with your instructor to makeup the missed test either after school or during an activity period. You must do this rescheduling IMMEDIATELY when you return from being absent.

8. Examinations : You should expect a major comprehensive examination at at the end of each semester. Each major exam will cover all materials taught in that course up to that point in time. Your exam will count as 10% of your semester final grade. Therefore, you should retain all worksheets, notes, written exercises, workbooks, and other course materials so you can adequately prepare for the final exams.