Junior ROTC Snap-Shot

Aerospace Science is a one-credit, science elective course that can be taken all four years at TUSCOLA High School. Aerospace Science (Junior ROTC) is a program that teaches citizenship, self-discipline, followership and leadership skills, and patriotism.

In the classroom, our curriculum includes aviation history, science of flight, astronomy, and large group management. Additionally, for students seeking careers in aviation, FAA Private Pilot Ground School (NOT YET OFFERED) can be taken by qualified students as the first step toward a pilot's license.

Although our classes are taught in a military format and students receive Air Force uniforms, there is no military obligation when taking our elective courses. Uniforms and textbooks are provided to each student free of charge. Successful completion of three or four years of Aerospace Science prepares students for higher education or employment in the aerospace industry or military service.