Aerospace Science Curriculum

The Aerospace Science curriculum is taught on four levels.

Aerospace Science I (AS-I)

Aerospace Science II (AS-II)

Aerospace Science III (AS-III)

Aerospace Science IV - Honors (AS-IV)

Additionally, clearly outstanding AS-II and AS-III cadets, who have excelled in AS, math, and science, may apply for FAA Flight Academy (Honors).

In order to move to the next AS level, you must pass for the year and then apply for the next higher AS level. A Faculty Board will determine each applicant's potential for success at the next higher AS level.


A. Aerospace Science (AS-I) - History of Air Power: • Origins of Flight • Aviation Growth in the United States • Aviation in World War I • The Golden Age of Aviation

B. Leadership Education (LE-I) - Basic AFJROTC Knowledge: • Military Customs and Courtesies • The Flag of the United States • Uniform and Personal Appearance • Study Habits and Time Management • Drug and Alcohol Abuse • Drill and Ceremony • Stress Management

C. Leadership Education (LE-I) -Unlocking Your Potential: • You've Always Had Potential • You're Born To Win • The Most Amazing Computer Of All • Changing From The Inside Out • You'll See It When You Believe It • How To Increase Self Confidence • Know Your ...Wear lt Well • Success Is A Journey ...Not A Destination • How To Motivate Yourself and Others • Qualities Of Peak Performers


A. Aerospace Science (AS-11) -History of Air Power I Basic Aeronautics: • Aviation in World War II • Aviation After World War II • The Korean Conflict • Challenges in Cuba and Vietnam • The Defense Structure of the United States • Organization of the US Air Force • Basic Aerodynamics • Aircraft Motion and Control of Aircraft

B. Leadership Education (LE-II) -Followership: • Communication Skills • Listening • Human Motivation • Prejudice and Sexism • Building Teamwork • Drill and Ceremony


A. Aerospace Science (AS-III) -Basic Aeronautics I Space Science • Aircraft/Spacecraft Propulsion • Land & Aerial Navigation • Flight Instruments • Basic Astronomy • Rocket Booster Systems • Journeying to the Moon • The Space Shuttle and Future Systems • The International Space Station • Space Law

B. Leadership Education (LE-III) - Leadership/Life After High School • Management Theories • Life Skills • Financial Management • US Government and the Constitution • Personal Standards and Decision Making • Drill and Ceremony



AS-IV cadets organize and lead corps activities for 300-400 cadets. This includes planning corps ceremonies, parades, open houses, and cadet training. Additionally, AS-IVs serve as assistant classroom instructors and are responsible for academic excellence within their assigned flights. AS-IVs use their knowledge of leadership and management skills, learned in AS-I thru AS-III, to guide and train underclass cadets. An AS-III cadet must maintain a "C" or better average in ROTC, demonstrate good school citizenship, and be recommended by all ASis to be accepted into AS-IV.



Academically high-achieving cadets may apply for Flight Academy in addition to or in ¢ace of AS-III or AS-IV. This challenging course prepares the •cadet to pass the FAA Written Examination, which is the first step toward earning a Private Pilot License. Additionally, unit funds permitting, cadets may receive up to five flight instruction hours at a nearby flight school.