This page gives you the links to register for both the ACT and SAT. Registration deadlines, testing dates, and special circumstances are located in the charts below.

The SAT or ACT is REQUIRED for admission into a 4 year college or university as well as to be considered for NCAA eligibility.

The TSI is REQUIRED for any public Texas college or to take college courses while you're still in high school. To see if you may be exempted from taking the TSI, check out the TSI link.


SCHOOL CODE: 440-269

Free 2 times for both the ACT and the SAT to students on free or reduced lunch.

If you qualify, see your College Transition (11th grade) teacher, Ms. Phillips in A100 (12th grade), or Ms. Patterson (PINNACLE) prior to the last day/deadline for a waiver. The earlier you register, the better, as testing locations often fill up and close.

Register online on any computer with internet access. Tests are administered on Saturdays. Here are the registration websites:

SAT® Reasoning Test $64.50

Plus writing $68.00