Countdown to College Checklist


ü Narrow down your college search to 3-5. Register to visit the college campus.

ü Sign up to take or retake the ACT, SAT, and TSI tests, if needed

ü Select senior coursework that meets graduation requirements and that requires rigor for college preparation

ü Monitor senior grades and attendance carefully

ü Participate in senior extracurricular and community service activities

ü Begin checking the AHS Senior Newsletter Beyond the Buzz frequently

ü Complete free scholarship searches and apply to any scholarships that are applicable to you

ü Complete career interest inventories to assist you in choosing a career path, thus a college major

ü Begin writing essays required for college admission


ü Ask for recommendation letters that can be copied and signed each time you need them. After receipt, write a thank you note to each person who wrote you a letter. Allow at least two weeks for the writer to complete the letter.

  • Ask an adult who knows you well (usually not a family member) to write a general letter of recommendation with emphasis on your character.

  • Ask a teacher who knows your academic ability and character well to write a letter of recommendation with emphasis on your academic character, leadership skills, work ethic, etc.

  • Ask an employer or extracurricular sponsor/coach who knows your work ethic to write a letter with emphasis on your motivation, determination, perseverance, etc.

ü Make sure that you’ve completed all required steps in the admission and scholarship processes at each school you want to attend ( for public universities). Keep copies of everything. Watch deadlines!

ü Many Texas universities begin taking admission applications on August 1.

ü Review and evaluate graduation requirements, current GPA and rank, testing, AHS transcript, college plans and admission


ü Create a personal resume

ü Make sure that you’ve completed all required steps in the admission and scholarship processes at each school you want to attend ( for public universities). Keep copies of everything. Watch deadlines!

ü Attend all college representative visits to AHS

ü Check your colleges’ scholarship deadlines and adhere to them! They WILL be different than the admissions’ deadlines.

ü Retake TSI, ACT, and/or SAT tests, if needed.

ü Attend the TVCC Dual College Day, if applicable.


ü Complete and submit the FAFSA or TASFA form

  • Apply for your FSA ID number prior to submitting FAFSA.

  • Submit your FAFSA/TASFA via the Web as soon after October 1 as possible because some student aid programs award funds on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are an undocumented student, apply for financial aid via TASFA (

  • Fill out and submit required financial aid forms. Follow instructions carefully and make copies

ü If you’ve applied at an early decision school, make sure that everything is finalized

ü Attend the Tyler College Area College Fair and any virtual college fairs available.


ü Watch for a response to your application for a military academy appointment or an early decision school

ü Retake STAAR, TSI, ACT and/or SAT tests, if needed.


ü Continue checking AHS Senior Newsletter Beyond the Buzz

ü Continue searching and applying for scholarships.

ü Stay organized and watch deadlines.

February – March

ü College acceptance and financial award letters begin to arrive.

ü Watch the mail for your Student Aid Report (SAR). Carefully examine the results.

ü Don’t panic if you’re selected for verification. Just provide the college with the documents it needs.

ü Stay on top of important financial aid deadlines.

ü Respond quickly to college requests for additional documentation.


ü Analyze and compare the award letters you receive. and have helpful tools.

ü Make a decision. Most colleges request your reply by May 1. Send your tuition deposit.

ü Register for the earliest college orientation session possible.

ü Register for Advanced Placement (AP) tests which are administered in May.

ü Mark your calendar with important deadlines (housing, meals, transportation, financial aid, ...).

ü Make your final decision and notify the college you are attending

ü Notify other colleges of your decision not to attend.


ü Arrange for your final transcript with AHS registrar to be mailed in June.

ü Continue to search for scholarships.

ü Look for a summer job and save money for school.

ü Evaluate student loan lenders, if needed..


ü Celebrate your success as you graduate from high school

ü Enjoy Last Blast with your Class.

ü Consider saving some of your graduation money for school.

ü Respond to requests from the college you will be attending.

ü Keep copies of everything you send.

ü Read and be familiar with your college catalog and semester class schedule.

ü Attend a college orientation session.

ü Send thank-you notes or postcards to those who helped you get into college.

July – August

ü If you still need money to pay for college, consider a student loan.

ü If you haven’t, attend a college orientation session.

ü Confirm housing arrangements and meal plans.

ü Finalize your college budget.

ü Notify the financial aid office of loans you will receive.

ü Consider opening a bank account near campus.

ü Review your cell phone plan to limit roaming charges.

ü Contact your roommate and coordinate what to pack.

ü Pack for college. provides a Packing for College Checklist.