Job Interviews

1. Bring a copy of your resume

2. Gather information about the company

3. Bring transcripts and references

4. Bring a pen and some paper

5. Dress for success:

  • Conservative two-piece business suit

  • Conservative long sleeve shirt/blouse

  • Dress one level higher than the job itself will require

  • Clean, polished, conservative shoes

  • Well-groomed hairstyle

  • Clean, trimmed fingernails

  • Minimal cologne or perfume

  • Empty pockets - no large objects, loose coins

  • Light briefcase or portfolio case

  • No gum, candy, etc.

  • No visible body piercing

6. Arrive early

7. Get a good night's sleep

8. Eat a small snack before an interview to control stomach grumbling

9. Go alone - no children