Goat Cheese Farm Tour Feb. 27, 2021

Goat Cheese Farm Tour II

Not even “baaaaad” weather could stop ACUW members and their families and friends

(21 adults & 4 children) from trekking out to Waialua on February 27th, for a return visit to Sweet Land Farm.

While our first tour was educational and fun, this sequel was more “hands-on.” Farmer Pat Hubbard, Farmer Anna Chang, Farmer Shari Lee-Huntoon, Farmer Pat Moberly and Farmer Sandi Shiroma got a sweet taste of farming life by milking one of the “does” (female goats). With each stroke of their deft mahjong-fingers, a steady stream of fresh goat’s milk was expressed and captured in a waiting cup. This was an “udderly” unique experience for these City gals. Meanwhile, Serena Kyi-Yim and Roberta Wong Leung were busy hand-feeding amaranth and alfalfa stalks to the other does.

The highlight of the tour was watching the young “kiddies” (the goat variety) frolicking in their pens. Much like humans, goat kids also “bounce off the walls,” head-butt each other and do “baaad” things. Our tour guide, Eric Bello, even brought out one of the babies for everyone to pet, much to the delight of Edwina Lee and her young grandchildren.

After the kiddie barn, Eric led us to the “teenager” pen, where we learned that goats can actually climb trees. Unlike cows that graze on ground cover, goats like to forage off low-hanging trees, like African Tulip and even Norfolk Pine trees (no “kidding”)! Did you know that goats only have a row of lower teeth and hard tough gums for uppers? . . . kind of like what happens when we get old.

And lastly, Eric took us over to the “stud barn” and introduced us to Clifford, the farm’s

“Star Buck” that’s bred with 30 does. Needless to say, the guys in the group were quite envious of Clifford-the-G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time) . . . this is one buck that never stops!

As with many of our ACUW tours, no event would be complete without food. By the end of the tour, the skies had cleared, and we were able to drive to Haleiwa and chow down at Cholo’s Mexican Restaurant, otra vez (once again). After stuffing ourselves with salsa, chips and large plates of Mexican food (washed down with margaritas), we all made the sleepy drive back to city life.

If you would like to participate in the fun and revelry of our upcoming INTEREST activities, contact “Doe #1 and Doe #2” [Anna Chang & Shari Lee-Huntoon] for a really “baaaaaad” time!