Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) implies spinal canal narrowing with possible subsequent neural compression.


LSS is classified by anatomy or etiology.

Anatomic sub classifications include central canal and lateral recess stenosis.

The classification of lumbar stenosis is important because of the implications of the underlying etiology and because it affects the therapeutic strategy, specifically the surgical approach.


Amundsen and colleagues found concomitant lateral recess stenosis in all cases of central canal stenosis; consequently, in his study, pure central stenosis without lateral stenosis failed to exist.


Parenthetically, Keim and colleagues mention the following simplistic LSS anatomical classification scheme:

LSS arises from the following primary and secondary etiologies:


Disk desiccation and degenerative disk disease (DDD) with resulting loss of disk height may induce segmental instability.


Such instability incites vertebral body and facet joint hypertrophy. Cephalad vertebral body IAP hypertrophy promotes central spinal canal stenosis. Further canal volume loss results from HNP, ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, and disk space narrowing. 


Alternatively, the caudal vertebral body SAP contributes to lateral recess and foraminal stenosis. Indeed, facet hypertrophy between L4 and L5 vertebrae may impinge the L4 nerve root in the foramen and the L5 proximal nerve root sheath in the lateral recess.

Jenis and An eloquently describe foraminal stenosis pathoanatomy, characterized by disk desiccation and DDD, which narrows disk height, permitting the caudad SAP to sublux anterosuperiorly.

Such subluxation decreases foraminal space. Continued subluxation with resulting biomechanical disruption provokes osteophytosis and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy, further compromising foraminal volume.

Anteroposterior (transverse) stenosis ultimately results from narrow disk height and hypertrophy anterior to the facet; specifically, the SAP and posterior vertebral body transversely trap the nerve root.

Furthermore, in vertical (craniocaudal) stenosis, posterolateral vertebral endplate osteophytes and a lateral HNP may impinge the spinal nerve against the superior pedicle.

The 2 lower motion segments (L3-L4, L4-L5) are most commonly affected by degenerative stenosis. These segments are in a transition zone from the rigid sacrum to the mobile lumbar spine.

Also, the posterior joints in this area have less of a sagittal orientation, which affords more rotation, and are therefore more vulnerable to rotatory strains.

Dynamic foraminal stenosis implies intermittent lumbar extension-provoked nerve root impingement from HNP, osteophytosis, and vertebral body slippage.

Such dynamic stenosis with associated intermittent position-dependent symptoms may not manifest on imaging studies, thereby confounding diagnosis.

Other factors promoting development of lumbar spinal stenosis(LSS) include shortened gestational age, and synovial facet joint cysts with resulting radicular compression.

Adult degenerative scoliosis, secondary to DDD-induced instability with subsequent vertebral rotation and asymmetric disk space narrowing, promotes facet hypertrophy and subluxation in the curve concavity. Degenerative spondylolisthesis, when combined with facet hypertrophy, causes central canal and lateral recess stenosis.

Spinal canal size is not always predictive of clinical symptoms, and some evidence suggests that body mass may play a role in limitations of function in this population.


Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) remains the leading preoperative diagnosis for adults older than 65 years who undergo spine surgery. The cost of more than 30,000 LSS surgeries performed in 1994 exceeds 1 billion dollars.

The incidence of lateral nerve entrapment is reportedly 8-11%. Some studies implicate lateral recess stenosis as the pain generator for 60% of patients with symptomatology of failed back surgery syndrome.

Incidence of foraminal stenosis increases in lower lumbar levels because of increased dorsal root ganglion (DRG) diameter with resulting decreased foramen (ie, nerve root area ratio). Jenis and Ann cite commonly involved roots as L5 (75%), L4 (15%), L3 (5.3%), and L2 (4%). The lower lumbar levels maintain greater obliquity of nerve

root passage, as well as higher incidence of spondylosis and DDD, further predisposing patients to L4 and L5 nerve root impingement.


In their review of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), Fritz and colleagues cited several studies suggesting that many patients show symptomatic and functional improvement or remain unchanged over time.

For example, they mentioned Porter and colleagues' study in which 90% of 169 untreated patients with suspected lateral recess stenosis improved symptomatically after 2 years.

Additionally, they reported Johnsson and colleagues' 4-year study of 32 patients treated conservatively for moderate stenosis, of whom only 16% worsened clinically and 30% reported diminished walking tolerance.


Lumbar spinal stenosis occurs most frequently in males.


Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) due to degenerative causes generally are aged at least 50 years; however, LSS may be present at earlier ages in cases of congenital malformations.



Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) classically presents as bilateral NC. Unilateral radicular symptoms may result from severe foraminal or lateral recess stenosis.

Patients, typically aged more than 50 years, report insidious-onset NC manifesting as intermittent, crampy, diffuse radiating thigh or leg pain with associated paresthesias. Indeed, leg pain affects 90% of patients with LSS.

In a retrospective review of 75 patients with radiographically confirmed LSS, reports of weakness, numbness or tingling, radicular pain, and NC were in almost equal proportions. The most common symptom was numbness or tingling of the legs.

NC pain is exacerbated by standing erect and downhill ambulation and is alleviated with lying supine more than prone, sitting, squatting, and lumbar flexion. Getty and colleagues documented 80% pain diminution with sitting and 75% with forward bending.

Lumbar spinal canal and lateral recess cross-sectional area increases with spinal flexion and decreases with extension. Furthermore, cross-sectional area is reduced 9% with extension in the normal spine and 67% with severe stenosis. The Penning rule of progressive narrowing implies that the more narrowed the canal by stenosis, the more it narrows with spinal extension. Schonstrom and colleagues have shown that spinal compressive loading from weight bearing reduces spinal canal dimensions.

NC, unlike vascular claudication, is not exacerbated with biking, uphill ambulation, and lumbar flexion and is not alleviated with standing. LSS patients compensate for symptoms by flexing forward, slowing their gait, leaning onto objects (eg, over a shopping cart) and limiting distance of ambulation.

Unfortunately, such compensatory measures, particularly in elderly osteoporotic females, promote disease progression and vertebral fracture. Pain radiates downward in NC and, in contrast, upward in vascular claudication. Hall and colleagues note the presence of radiculopathy in 6% and NC in 94% of LSS patients.

Distinguishing between neurogenic and vascular claudication is important because the treatments, as well as the implications, are quite different. Vascular claudication is a manifestation of peripheral vascular disease and arteriosclerosis.

Other vessels, including the coronary, vertebral, and carotid, are also often affected. Further complicating diagnosis and treatment in some patients, neurogenic and vascular claudication may occur together. This is because both conditions frequently occur in the elderly population.

Proposed mechanisms for development of NC include cauda equina microvascular ischemia, venous congestion, axonal injury, and intraneural fibrosis. Ooi and colleagues myeloscopically observed ambulation-provoked cauda equina blood vessel dilation with subsequent circulatory stagnation in LSS patients with NC.

They propose that ambulation dilates the epidural venous plexus, which, amidst narrow spinal canal diameter, increases epidural and intrathecal pressure. Such elevation of pressure ultimately compresses the cauda equina, compromises its microcirculation, and causes pain.

Another pain generator may be the DRG, which contains pain-mediating neuropeptides, such as substance P, that possibly increase with mechanical compression. The DRG varies spatially within the lumbosacral spine, with L4 and L5 DRG in an intraforaminal position and S1 DRG located intraspinally.

Such foraminal placement may predispose to stenotic compression with subsequent radicular symptomology.

Lastly, severe radiologic stenosis in otherwise asymptomatic individuals suggests inflammation, not just mechanical nerve root compression. Specific inflammation generators may include HNP, ligamentum flavum, and facet joint capsule.

Katz and colleagues report that the historical findings most strongly associated with LSS include advanced age, severe lower extremity pain, and absence of pain when the patient is in a flexed position.

Fritz and colleagues contend that the most important elements involve the postural nature of the patient's pain, stating that absence of pain or improvement of symptoms when seated assists in ruling in LSS. Conversely, LSS cannot be ruled out when sitting is the most

comfortable position for the patient and standing/walking is the least comfortable.


Physical examination findings frequently are normal in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Nevertheless, review of the literature suggests diminished lumbar extension appears most consistently, varies less, and constitutes the most significant finding in LSS.

Other positive findings include loss of lumbar lordosis and forward-flexed gait. Charcot joints may be present in long-standing disease.

Radiculopathy may be noted with motor, sensory, and/or reflex abnormalities. Asymmetric muscle stretch reflexes and focal myotomal weakness with atrophy occur more with lateral recess than central canal stenosis.

Some report objective neurologic deficits in approximately 50% of LSS cases.

Provocative maneuvers include pain reproduction with ambulation and prone lumbar hyperextension.

Pain alleviation occurs with stationary biking and lumbar flexion.

Patients may also have a positive result from the stoop test, which was described by Dyck in 1979. This is performed by having the

patient walk with an exaggerated lumbar lordosis until NC symptoms appear or are worsened. The patient is then told to lean forward. Reduction of NC symptoms is a positive result and is suggestive of NC.

Negative findings in the physical examination include skin color, turgor, and temperature; normal distal lower extremity pulses; and an absence of arterial bruits. Importantly, remember the 5 P s of vascular claudication in the assessment of these patients: pulselessness, paralysis, paraesthesia, pallor, and pain. The absence of these problems, excluding pain and paraesthesias, which are common to neurogenic and vascular claudication, should give the clinician confidence in the diagnosis of NC.

Dural tension signs should be unremarkable. Lumbar segment mobilization often fails to reproduce pain, and palpation locates no trigger points.

Katz and colleagues report physical examination findings most strongly associated with LSS include wide-based gait, abnormal Romberg test, thigh pain following 30 seconds of lumbar extension, and neuromuscular abnormalities; however, Fritz and colleagues

state physical examination findings do not seem helpful in determining the presence or absence of LSS.

Johnsson and colleagues' single study of the natural course of LSS reports unchanged symptoms in 70% of patients, improvement in 15%, and worsening in 15% after a 49-month observation period. Walking capacity improved in 37% of patients, remained unchanged in 33%, and worsened in 30%




If vascular claudication is suspected, referral to an internist for a workup is indicated. This includes a serum cholesterol level, arterial Doppler studies, ankle-brachial index values, and, in some cases, arteriography.





Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) often benefit from conservative treatment and participation in a physical therapy (PT) program.


Lumbar extension exercises should be avoided in this population, as spinal extension and increased lumbar lordosis are known to worsen LSS.


Flexion exercises for the lumbar spine should be emphasized, as they reduce lumbar lordosis and decrease stress on the spine.


Spinal flexion exercises increase the spinal canal dimension, thus reducing NC. Williams' flexion-biased exercises target increased lumbar lordosis, paraspinal and hamstring inflexibility, and abdominal muscle weakness. These exercises incorporate knee-to-chest maneuvers, pelvic tilts, wall-standing lumbar flexion, and avoidance of lumbar extension.


Two-stage treadmill testing has demonstrated longer walking times on an inclined treadmill, presumably due to promotion of spinal flexion. Conversely, level treadmill testing is thought to promote more spinal extension-induced NC and elicit earlier symptom onset and longer recovery time.

Ancillary exercises to target weak gluteals, as well as shortened hip flexors and hamstrings, are indicated. Physical examination should be performed to assess for concurrent degenerative hip disease, which may mimic LSS.

Traction harness-supported treadmill and aquatic ambulation to reduce compressive spine loading has been shown to improve lumbar range of motion (ROM), straight leg raising, gluteal and quadriceps femoris muscle force production, and maximal (up to 15 min) walking time.

Others advocate stationary cycling and abdominal muscle strengthening.

Passive modalities such as heat, cold, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and ultrasound may provide transient analgesia and increased soft tissue flexibility in LSS patients.

The addition of a rolling walker is often necessary in many cases. The rolling walker provides some stability and promotes a flexed posture, which allows the afflicted patient to ambulate greater distances.


Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) remains one of the most common conditions leading to lumbar spine surgery in adults aged 65 years and older. Increasing rates of LSS surgery among the Medicare population have been shown to be due possibly to imaging techniques that enable physicians to diagnose LSS more frequently.

Other contributing factors may include improved surgical techniques that might allow patients previously managed conservatively to undergo surgery, as well as a philosophy that LSS surgery prevents future morbidity.


Epidural steroid injection (ESI) provides aggressive-conservative treatment for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis(LSS) who demonstrate limited response to oral medication, physical therapy, and other noninvasive measures.

Corticosteroids may inhibit edema formation from microvascular injury sustained by mechanically compressed nerve roots. Furthermore, corticosteroids inhibit inflammation by impairing leukocyte function, stabilizing lysosomal membranes, and reducing phospholipase A2 activity.

Lastly, corticosteroids may block nociceptive transmission in C fibers. When using oral steroids (in rapid tapering fashion), remember that possible side effects may include fluid retention, skin flushing, and shakiness. Local anesthetic may be combined with corticosteroids to provide immediate pain relief and diagnostic feedback on the proximity of the injectate to the putative pain generator.


First-line pharmacotherapy for lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) includes NSAIDs, which provide analgesia at low doses and quell inflammation at high doses. An appropriate therapeutic NSAID plasma level is required to achieve anti-inflammatory benefit.

Aspirin, which binds irreversibly to cyclo-oxygenase and requires larger doses to control inflammation, may cause gastritis; consequently, it is not recommended. Additionally, it may induce multiorgan toxicity, including renal insufficiency, peptic ulcer disease, and hepatic dysfunction.

Cyclo-oxygenase isomer type 2 (COX-2) NSAID inhibitors reduce such toxicity. NSAIDs retain a dose-related analgesic ceiling point, above which larger doses do not confer further pain control.

Muscle relaxants may be used to potentiate NSAID analgesia. Sedation results from muscle relaxation, promoting further patient relaxation. Such sedative side effects encourage evening dosing for patients who need to get sufficient sleep but may limit safe performance of some functional activities.

Membrane-stabilizing anticonvulsants, such as gabapentin and carbamazepine, may reduce neuropathic radicular pain from lateral recess stenosis.

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are often given for neuropathic pain, but their adverse effects limit their use in elderly persons. These include somnolence, dry mouth, dry eyes, and constipation. More concerning are the possible arrhythmias that may occur when used in combination with other medications.

Tramadol and acetaminophen confer analgesia but do not affect inflammation.

Oral opioids may be prescribed on a scheduled short-term basis. Consequently, cotreatment with a psychologist or other addiction specialist is recommended for patients with a history of substance abuse. Patients may be asked to sign a medication contract restricting them to 1 practitioner, 1 pharmacy, scheduled medication use, no unscheduled refills, and no sharing or selling of medication.


Use of certain antiepileptic drugs, such as the GABA analogue Neurontin (gabapentin), has proven helpful in some cases of neuropathic pain. These agents have central and peripheral

anticholinergic effects, as well as sedative effects, and block the active reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin.

The multifactorial mechanism of analgesia could include improved sleep, altered perception of pain, and increase in pain threshold. Rarely should these drugs be used in treatment of acute pain, since a few weeks may be required for them to become effective.


GABAPENTIN (Neurontin)

Has anticonvulsant properties and antineuralgic effects; however, exact mechanism of action is unknown. Structurally related to GABA but does not interact with GABA receptors.

Adult: 900-1800 mg/d PO tid; may start 300 mg d 1, 300 mg bid d 2, and 300 mg tid d 3; may increase up to 1800 mg/d by adding 300 mg on following days

Pediatric: <12 years: Not established

>12 years: Administer as in adults


C - Fetal risk revealed in studies in animals but not established or not studied in humans; may use if benefits outweigh risk to fetus


Caution in renal or hepatic disease, breastfeeding women, and elderly patients



Inhibits nerve impulses by decreasing cell membrane sodium ion influx.

Adult: 100 mg PO bid with meals; may increase 100 mg q12h until pain decreases; not to exceed 1.2 g/d; maintenance dose 200-400 mg bid

Pediatric: <12 years: Not established

>12 years: Administer as in adults


D - Fetal risk shown in humans; use only if benefits outweigh risk to fetus


Not to be used for relief of minor aches or pains; caution with increased intraocular pressure; obtain CBC counts (may cause aplastic anemia) and serum-iron baseline prior to treatment, during first 2 mo, and yearly or every other year thereafter; can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and blurred vision; caution while driving or performing other tasks requiring alertness; caution with breastfeeding, psychosis, cardiac disease, and renal or hepatic disease


Pain control is essential to quality patient care. Analgesics ensure patient comfort and have sedating properties, which are beneficial for patients who experience pain.


ACETAMINOPHEN (Tylenol, Feverall)

DOC for pain in patients with documented hypersensitivity to aspirin or NSAIDs, with upper GI disease, or who are taking oral anticoagulants.

Adult: 325-650 mg PO q4h prn; not to exceed 4 g/d

Pediatric: 10-15 mg/kg PO q4h


B - Fetal risk not confirmed in studies in humans but has been shown in some studies in animals


Hepatotoxicity possible in chronic alcoholics following various dose levels; severe or recurrent pain or high or continued fever may indicate a serious illness; APAP is contained in many OTC products and combined use with these products may result in cumulative APAP doses exceeding recommended maximum dose; caution in hepatic or renal disease



Mechanism not entirely known. Binds to opioid receptors; inhibits reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine.

Adult: 50-100 mg PO q4-6h prn; not to exceed 400 mg/d


C - Fetal risk revealed in studies in animals but not established or not studied in humans; may use if benefits outweigh risk to fetus


Can cause dizziness, nausea, constipation, sweating, pruritus; additive sedation with alcohol and TCAs; abrupt discontinuation can precipitate opioid withdrawal symptoms; adjust dose in liver disease, myxedema, hypothyroidism, hypoadrenalism; caution in elderly patients, pregnancy, and breastfeeding; seizures; development of tolerance or dependency with extended use


A complex group of drugs that have central and peripheral anticholinergic effects and sedative effects. They have central effects on pain transmission. They block the active reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin.



Analgesic for certain chronic and neuropathic pain. Blocks reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin, which increases concentration in the CNS. Decreases pain by inhibiting spinal neurons involved in pain perception. Highly anticholinergic. Often discontinued because of somnolence and dry mouth.

Cardiac arrhythmia, especially in overdose, has been described; monitoring the QTc interval after reaching the target level is advised. Up to 1 mo may be needed to obtain clinical effects.

Adult: 30-100 mg PO qhs

Pediatric: Children: 0.1 mg/kg PO qhs; increase, as tolerated, over 2-3 wk to 0.5-2 mg/d qhs

Adolescents: 25-50 mg/d PO initially; increase gradually to 100 mg/d in divided doses.