The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) originates from the tibial plateau just medial and anterior to the tibial eminence.

The ACL tracts from the tibia superiorly, laterally, and posteriorly, to its insertion on the posterior aspect of the medial wall of the lateral femoral condoyle.

The ACL is composed of 2 bundles, the anteromedial bundle and the posterolateral bundle.  

The ACL provides 85% of the total restraining force to anterior translation of the tibia. An ACL tear is a common injury that occurs in all types of sports. This injury usually occurs during a sudden cut or deceleration, as it typically is a noncontact injury.

The patient states, "I planted, twisted, and then heard a pop."


Before the advent of arthroscopic knee surgery in the early 1970s, ACL tear was often a career-ending injury.


Like all ligaments, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is composed of type I collagen.

The ultrastructure of a ligament is close to that of tendons, but the fibers in a ligament are more variable and have higher elastin content. Ligaments receive their blood supply from their insertion sites.

The vascularity within a ligament is uniform, and each ligament contains mechanoreceptors and free nerve endings that are hypothesized to aid in stabilizing the joint.

Avulsion of ligaments generally occurs between the unmineralized and mineralized fibrocartilage layers. The more common ACL tear, however, is a midsubstance tear. This type of tear occurs primarily as the ligament is transected by the pivoting lateral femoral condyle.


Epidemiologic studies estimate that approximately 1 in 3000 individuals sustains an ACL injury each year in the United States.


Not a single report of mortality was found.

Morbidity was divided into 5 classes.

The first class included patients who were symptomatic with activities of daily living (ADL).

The second class included patients who were able to perform all ADL.

Patients in the third class were able to perform mildly stressful sports (eg, jogging, swimming, biking, and cross-country skiing).

The fourth class included patients who were able to perform moderately stressful sports, including baseball, alpine skiing, racquet sports, dance, and lacrosse.

The fifth class included patients who returned to perfect health and were capable of performing very stressful sports, such as soccer, basketball, football/rugby, volleyball, gymnastics, and hockey.

Post-surgery status of patients was as follows:


According to numerous studies, female athletes sustain a greater number of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries than do male athletes. Data demonstrated that women have a 2.4 and a 4.1 times greater chance of incurring ACL injury when compared with males in soccer and basketball, respectively.


Anterior cruciate ligament injuries occur most commonly in individuals aged 14-29 years. These years correspond to a high degree of athletic activity.



Obtain as much information as possible directly from the patient. The important facts can be clarified by asking questions about the following:


Up to 50% of patients with acute knee injuries who report feeling or hearing a snapping or popping sound are found to have an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.

A hemarthrosis almost always is present because of the vascular supply to the ACL. When a complete ligamentous tear occurs, pain may begin immediately, followed by resolution.


Immediately following injury, minimal effusion or spasm is present, so ACL injury usually can be identified easily. Several hours after injury, effusion and spasm make diagnosis of an ACL tear more difficult.

To determine the patient's normal amount of laxity, examine the uninjured knee first.


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries have no single cause. ACL injuries can be related to extrinsic factors and intrinsic factors.

Numerous studies document the fact that poor levels of conditioning correlate directly with increased levels of injury. Research also has demonstrated that improved conditioning results in reduced numbers of injuries.







The key to successful treatment of an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is proper and early rehabilitation.


Preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation programs are similar initially. Swelling control and restoration of motion and strength are the goals of each.

The postoperative rehabilitation program begins as soon as the patient awakens from anesthesia, especially because patients are discharged earlier now than they were in previous years.

Quadriceps co-contractions make up the first exercise that patients should be taught for the maintenance of terminal extension.

Passive motion is emphasized with active flexion and assisted extension in the sitting or prone position to ensure good leg control (ie, ability to flex the hip and lift the leg against gravity without assistance.)

A continuous passive motion machine (CPM) can be used to establish 0-30° of motion immediately postoperatively and to progress to 60° of knee flexion by the morning following the operation.

The patient then begins gait training with crutches (weight bearing as tolerated), with the knee in an immobilizer.

The patient usually can be discharged on the first postoperative day and should be encouraged to avoid crowds, keep the leg elevated when not ambulating, use the crutches at all times for protection, and continue frequent icing.


The following rehabilitation program is an accelerated program for patellar tendon grafts. Note that the other grafts rehabilitate slightly differently.

This rehabilitation program is classified as a goal-oriented approach. The dates listed are not meant to be followed strictly and can be varied by a day or 2, depending on the physician or the patient's schedule.

On day 3 following surgery, have the patient return to the surgeon for evaluation. Begin therapy on an outpatient basis, concentrating on gait training and other ambulation-oriented activities. The goal is to maintain terminal knee extension and progression toward 90° of flexion. The therapist emphasizes a normal heel-to-toe gait pattern, and the patient may weight bear as tolerated on the involved leg. Continue passive flexion ROM exercises.

Have the patient increase quadriceps activity, introducing the partial squat with progression from bilateral to unilateral, placing increased body weight on the extremity involved at no more than 45° of flexion.

Continue these exercises for 1 week. Continue the knee immobilizer when ambulating and continue regular icing of the knee.

On day 10 following surgery, have the patient return to the surgeon for evaluation.

Advance therapy to include wall slide-squats and a stationary bike as tolerated.

Place emphasis on terminal extension, progressive flexion, and full weight-bearing ambulation with normal heel-to-toe mechanics.

In a controlled environment (no pets, children, or distractions), have the patient begin practicing crutch ambulation while out of the knee immobilizer. The patient should achieve full terminal knee extension and approximately 90-100° of knee flexion.

Three to 4 weeks after the surgery, the aggressive patient is ambulating with normal gait mechanics. At this point, the knee immobilizer can be removed.

Advance the patient's activity to include loaded squats, swimming, eccentric quadriceps strengthening, bridging with a physioball, and a stair stepper. During this time, if the therapist is not observant, the patient can develop tendonitis of the quadriceps tendon or other repetitive use injuries of the lower extremity.

Application of ice after each therapy session is very important.

Six weeks after surgery, release the patient to light jogging or bicycling. If the patient is older and has concomitant degenerative joint disease, encourage bicycling.

The graft is still very weak at this stage, so advise the patient that it is important not to fall. The patient should jog only on a track or other flat protected surface. At this point, active ROM should be approaching 0-125° with minimal or no joint effusion.

Work on balance and Proprioception with activity drills.

At 3 months, recommend that the patient begin a gradual return to normal activities. At this point, most people do not require bracing, but occasionally, some athletes request a brace to increase their own comfort level when competing.


Significant discussion surrounds the difference between OKC and CKC exercises during ACL rehabilitation.

The difference concerns the assumption that CKC exercises are safer than OKC exercises because they place less strain on the ACL graft, producing less patellofemoral pain.

The second assumption is that CKC exercises are more functional and are equally effective in improving quadriceps muscle force production.

With regard to safety, OKC and CKC exercises can be applied in a manner that minimizes the risk of excessive graft strain and patellofemoral compression.

Using different knee joint motion excursions for each type of exercise is the key to risk reduction. When OKC knee extensions are performed, limit knee joint motion to more flexed positions.

During CKC lower extremity exercises, limit knee joint motions to more extended positions.



Several options exist for the patient who elects to have surgery. For complete rupture, no local healing response is detectable at the injury site, and a graft must be used to replace the ACL.

Today, 4 options are used.

The first 3 types are autografts using the central one third of the patellar ligament (considered a bone-ligament-bone graft), the quadruple semitendinosus/gracilis tendon, or the quadriceps tendon. The fourth type of graft is a cadaveric allograft.

Ultimately, the decision as to which graft is best is still a matter of contention.

The agreement is that the patellar and hamstring grafts are superior to the quadriceps graft and the allograft; however, the decision as to which is the better of the patellar and hamstring grafts depends on which surgeon is operating.

With regard to osteoarthritis, the type of graft does not appear to influence the development of osteoarthritis.

In spite of the type of graft, a certain percentage of patients develop osteoarthritis in the reconstructed knee, especially patients with concomitant or subsequent meniscectomy.


Some patients, especially those who are minimally involved in sports, elect not to have surgery and instead choose bracing.

Several custom and off-the-shelf, anterior cruciate ligament–specific braces are available. For patients who are involved in vigorous sports, the use of braces without surgical stabilization is not recommended.


The goal of pharmacotherapy is to reduce morbidity.


These agents have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic activities. Their mechanism of action is not known, but they may inhibit cyclooxygenase activity and prostaglandin synthesis.

Other mechanisms may exist as well, such as inhibition of leukotriene synthesis, lysosomal enzyme release, lipoxygenase activity, neutrophil aggregation, and various cell-membrane functions.

IBUPROFEN (Motrin, Ibuprin)

DOC for patients with mild to moderate pain. Inhibits inflammatory reactions and pain by decreasing prostaglandin synthesis.

Adult: 600-800 mg PO tid


B - Fetal risk not confirmed in studies in humans but has been shown in some studies in animals

D - Fetal risk shown in humans; use only if benefits outweigh risk to fetus


Caution in congestive heart failure, hypertension, and decreased renal and hepatic function; caution in anticoagulation abnormalities or during anticoagulant therapy


Pain control is essential to quality patient care. If nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are not sufficient, then narcotics may be given.

Analgesics ensure patient comfort, promote pulmonary toilet, and have sedating properties, which are beneficial to patients who have sustained trauma or injuries.


Indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate pain.

Adult: 1-2 tab PO q4-6h prn



These drugs can be used as an alternative if the patient has GI upset or a history of GI bleeding with NSAID use. Because of the cost, these medications are not always a first-line choice.

CELECOXIB (Celebrex)

Inhibits primarily COX-2. COX-2 is considered an inducible isoenzyme, being induced during pain and inflammatory stimuli. Inhibition of COX-1 may contribute to NSAID GI toxicity.

At therapeutic concentrations, COX-1 isoenzyme is not inhibited; thus, GI toxicity may be decreased. Seek the lowest dose of celecoxib for each patient.

Adult: 200 mg/d PO qd; alternatively, 100 mg PO bid.