Height and weight measurements are probably the most important set of vital signs in nutritional assessment.


A patient's height is the key component in the determination of IBW. (See information below on the determination of IBW using one of three methods). No matter which calculation method is used, IBW needs to be adjusted for frame size, spinal cord injury (SCI), and amputation, as follows:



Body weight at admission is probably the most reliable weight when determining a patient's actual body weight, assuming that weight is a dry body weight. Weight status becomes an unreliable measure postoperatively or during an acute crisis, because of the administration of fluids or the development of an edematous state. As a chronic marker, one can assume that a weight gain or loss is related to an increase or decrease in lean body mass.

The following scale presents categories of the nutritional status of patients, using ABW as a percentage of IBW:

v  More than 200% of IBW = Morbidly Obese

v  More than 150% of IBW = Obese

v  More than 120% of IBW = Overweight

v  100% of IBW +/- 10% = Normal

v  80-90% of IBW = Mild Malnutrition

v  70-80% of IBW = Moderate Malnutrition

v  Less than 70% of IBW = Severe Malnutrition

The BMI is a very practical and useful measurement that allows easy determination of categories of weight status.




Measurements of visceral and somatic protein status are biochemical indices used to evaluate nutritional status.

Visceral protein parameters include albumin, transferrin, and prealbumin. According to Charney, serum albumin is perhaps "the most studied biochemical parameter used in nutrition screening and assessment."

Albumin is an osmotic protein that constitutes 40% of the total body protein pool of 4-5 g/kg and is maintained largely in the intravascular compartment, with the remainder distributed in extravascular tissues. The serum albumin level is not a definitive measure of visceral protein status, but it reflects the complex relationship between synthesis, degradation, and distribution.

Key albumin levels are distributed as follows:

Albumin does have limitations as a nutritional marker because of its lengthy half-life of 21 days and the numerous factors that decrease albumin levels, independent of nutritional status.

Non-nutritional factors that affect albumin levels include the following:

Ø  Inadequate synthesis, as seen in cirrhosis, some cancers, acute stress, congestive heart failure, and hypoxia

Ø  Impaired digestion, as seen in pancreatic insufficiency and malabsorption

Ø  Altered fluid status, such as that found in edematous condition and overhydration

Ø  Chronic protein loss, as found in nephrotic syndrome and with burns

Because of its long half-life, serum albumin cannot be used effectively for monitoring acute response to nutritional therapy. Albumin levels should be included on the initial chemistry profile for nutritional screening purposes and monitored during hospitalization for visceral protein repletion trends or as a chronic marker for nutritional status.

Owing to its shorter half-life (8-9 d) and smaller body pool size, transferrin makes a better nutritional marker of visceral protein status than does albumin.

Normal levels of transferrin range between 200-400 mg/dL, and a level of 150 mg/dL is considered a nutritional decision point or a point when nutritional support should be considered or adjusted.

Transferrin levels are decreased in the following situations:

v  Impaired synthesis, which can result, for example, from acute fasting, chronic infection, or pernicious anemia

v  Increased excretion, as with nephritic syndrome, inflammation, burns, and liver damage

v  Overhydration

v  Increased iron stores, as with hemosiderosis and hemochromatosis

Transferrin levels are increased in the following situations:

The serum concentration of transferrin is about 0.8 times the total iron binding capacity (TIBC). If the direct measurement of transferrin is not possible because of the high cost and limited availability of the equipment needed, the transferrin level can be easily calculated from the TIBC, using the following formula:

The third measure of visceral protein is prealbumin, which is synthesized in the liver and catabolized in the kidney. Prealbumin has a small total body pool and a very short half-life (2 d), making it an excellent nutritional marker. Prealbumin has been used increasingly as a marker of response to nutritional therapy.

Reference range values for prealbumin are from 16-35 mg/dL. A nutritionally significant value of prealbumin is 11 mg/dL. A value below this level signifies malnutrition. The failure to increase prealbumin above 11 mg/dL with nutritional therapy is an indication that nutritional needs are not being met. Concentrations should increase nearly 1 mg/dL daily or should double in a week when adequate therapy is being provided.

Non-nutritional factors that decrease prealbumin include the following:

Table 2 summarizes the 3 visceral proteins in relation to the degree of malnutrition.



Somatic protein measurements include the CHI and nitrogen balance studies. Protein status can be assessed biochemically by using the CHI, which measures the 24-hour urinary creatinine excretion and compares it to an ideal value based on ideal weight for height.


Nitrogen balance studies measure the net change in the body's total protein. An estimate of nitrogen balance can be obtained by measuring urinary urea nitrogen (UUN) and comparing it to nitrogen intake during that same time.

If calculated nitrogen balance equals the following:


Serum hemoglobin and hematocrit may reflect a generalized state of malnutrition. As with the visceral and somatic visceral proteins, non-nutritional factors (eg, blood loss, chronic infection, and overhydration) must be considered as a potential etiology of decreased serum concentrations.


The determination of malnutrition can be categorized using the following definitions:

Ø  Marasmus - This term refers to a typical starved patient.

o    Malnutrition is characterized by the following:

§  Deficiency in total calorie intake

§  Preservation of visceral protein production

§  Depletion of somatic protein (skeletal muscle and adipose stores)

§  Impairment of cell-mediated immunity and muscle function

Ø  Kwashiorkor - This is a typical hypermetabolic or catabolic patient.

o    Malnutrition is characterized by the following:

§  Adequate calorie intake but deficient protein

§  Depletion of visceral protein pools

§  Some depletion of somatic protein with relative preservation of adipose tissue

§  Possible impaired immune function

Ø  Protein/calorie malnutrition - This typically is a marasmic patient who becomes hypermetabolic or catabolic. This could also occur in circumstances where there is a decreased oral intake of food for a prolonged period of time.

o    Malnutrition is characterized by the following:

§  Depletion of visceral protein pools

§  Depletion of somatic protein and adipose tissue

§  Reduced immunocompetence that may be caused by such factors as a global decrease in body protein, including globulins, and a decreased production of T-lymphocytes. The exact relationship between nutritional status and immunity in hospitalized patients has not yet been fully explained.