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Translational and  Computational Motor Control (TCMC) 2014

an exciting day of movement research in collaboration with ASNR!

Renaissance Washington DC Downtown hotel (map), Renaissance Ballroom, East Salon

Friday November 14, 9am - 6:05 pm

Morning Session (Translational): 9am-noon

Afternoon Session (Computational): 1:15pm-6:50pm

see also the ASNR meeting page or the abstract submission page

Invited talks: Hartwig Siebner, Kathleen Cullen

The 2014 meeting will be held at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in Washington DC.  The morning will focus on clinical and translational work while the afternoon will focus on computational issues. We encourage both communities to attend the entire day to facilitate cross-pollination between computational and translational work.   Last year the morning session had an attendance of over 200 and the afternoon session an attendance of about 300.

Abstracts are competitively peer reviewed with the top 6-10 submissions in each session accepted for 22-minute oral presentations (6 minutes of which is reserved for questions). Accepted abstracts will be published as a conference proceedings.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Maurice Smith & John Krakauer


2014 Program outline


9 AM  Plenary Speaker: Hartwig Siebner, Head of Research, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen University. Non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation can trace causal network interactions underlying action selection.

9:45 AM  Peer-reviewed talks

Artificial manipulation of human motor memories

Daichi Nozaki, Atsushi Yokoi, Takahiro Kimura, Masaya Hirashima, Jean-Jacques Obran de-Xivry

Characterizing proprioceptive recovery after stroke using robotics

Jennifer Semrau, Troy Herter, Stephen Scott, Sean Dukelow

Long-term retention of “short-term” motor learning: Effects of age and stroke

Erin Vasudevan, Rachel Snyder, Danica Tan

→ Coffee Break

Saccadic hypometria is compensation for and not a primary symptom of disease

Pavan Vaswani, Thomas Crawford, Jennifer Wright, Howard Lederman, Reza Shadmehr

The dorsolateral striatum constrains the execution of motor habits through continuous integration of contextual and kinematic information.

Pavel Rueda-Orozco, David Robbe

Cerebellar damage reduces the stability of motor memories

Alkis Hadjiosif, Sarah Criscimagna-Hemminger, Tricia Gibo, Allison Okamura,  Reza Shadmehr, Amy Bastian, Maurice Smith

→ Δ 12:15 PM - Lunch Break


1:30 PM  Peer-reviewed talks

Motor Learning by Sequential Sampling of Actions

Adrian Haith, John Krakauer

Movement chunking as locally optimal control

Pavan Ramkumar, Daniel Acuna, Scott Grafton, Robert Turner, Konrad Kording

Active sensing in the categorization of visual patterns

Scott Cheng-Hsin Yang, Máté Lengyel, Daniel Wolpert

Enhancement of motor skill memory through reconsolidation

Nicholas Wymbs, Amy Bastian, Pablo Celnik

→ Coffee Break

Cerebellar degeneration disrupts adaptation and strategy use in sensorimotor learning

Peter Butcher, John Krakauer, Sheng-Han Kuo, David Rydz, Richard Ivry, Jordan Taylor

Implicit Adaptation via Visual Error Clamp

John Ryan Morehead, Jordan Taylor, Darius Parvin, Elizabeth Marrone, Richard Ivry

Distinct forms of implicit learning that respond differentially to performance errors and sensory prediction errors

Yohsuke Miyamoto, Shengxin Wang, Andrew Brennan, Maurice Smith

→ Coffee Break

Two ways to save a newly learned walking pattern

Ryan Roemmich, Amy Bastian

The neural coding of action in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum

David Herzfeld, Yoshiko Kojima, Robijanto Soetedjo, Reza Shadmehr

The neural dynamics of dynamic decisions

Jean-Francois Cabana, David Thura, Paul Cisek

5:45 PM  Amir Karniel Memorial and Memorial Lecture

Adaptation to Delay while Playing Pong: Time or State Representation

Romy Bakker, Jemina Fasola, Guy Avraham, Raz Leib

6:15 PM  Plenary Speaker: Kathleen Cullen, McGill University. The neural encoding of vestibular information during natural self-motion.



This symposium is held as a satellite to the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting.  All submissions are peer-reviewed and those with the highest scores are included in the program.