Advances in Computational Motor Control (ACMC) 2008
Single-trial analysis of neural population activity during motor preparation
B. Yu, J. Cunningham, M. Churchland, G. Santhanam, S. Ryu, M. Sahani and K. Shenoy
The activity of primary motor cortex is shaped by the properties of the musculoskeletal system
T. Lillicrap and S. Scott
Parallels between sensory and motor information processing
E. Todorov
Humans optimally adapt afferent feedback to stabilize unstable loads
A. Schouten, W. Mugge, E. de Vlugt and F. van der Helm
Interactions between sensory and motor components of adaptation predicted by a Bayesian model
A. Haith, C. Jackson, C. Miall and S. Vijayakumar
Uncertainty in state estimate and feedback determines the rate of motor adaptation
K. Wei and K. Kording
The cerebellum and the adaptive control of saccades via internal feedback
M. Xu, H. Chen-Harris, D. Zee and R. Shadmehr
Likelihood calculus: A new mathematical approach to understanding the dynamics of Bayesian controllers with quantized internal representations
T. Sanger
On the feedback control of coordinated eye-head gaze shifts
D. Guitton and H. Galiana
Learning to learn: Environmental consistency modulates motor adaptation rates
N. Castro, M. Hemphill and M. Smith
Optimization strategies in human reinforcement learning
H. Hoffmann, E. Theodorou and S. Schaal
Exploration and exploitation in reward based visuomotor learning
J. Izawa and R. Shadmehr
More bits for behavior: From the movement of C. elegans towards the principles of animal action
G. Stephens and W. Bialek
Adaptation to a sub-optimal desired trajectory
M. Mistry, E. Theodorou, G. Law, T. Yoshioka, S. Schaal and M. Kawato
Optimization analysis of human stance control predicts the observed non-linear stimulus-response behavior of a system dominated by sensory noise
H. van der Kooij and R. Peterka
Understanding the role of the spinal cord in voluntary movement by discrete circuit modeling: bottom-up strategy
G. Raphael and G. Loeb
A Bayesian explanation for curved movement paths
J. Smeets, H. Slijper, J. Richter, E. Over and M. Frens
Optimal feedback control of rhythmic movements: The bouncing ball revisited
R. Ronsse, K. Wei and D. Sternad
A control-theoretic investigation of dynamic spatial behavior
B. Mettler and Z. Kong
Gain fields for the distance between the ocular fixation point and the arm
S. Chang and L. Snyder
A new view of how the superior colliculus supports gaze stability
Z. Hafed and R. Krauzlis
The primate oculomotor system plans saccades to objects not points
M. Phillips and M. Goldberg
This symposium is held as a satellite to the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting. All submissions are peer-reviewed and those with the highest scores are included in the program. The acceptance rate is below 50%.
Sponsored by the United States National Institutes of Health.