Advances in Computational Motor Control (ACMC) 2009


Environmental memory in parietal cortex: A possible substrate for guidance of movement in the absence of visual stimulation

Sara Steenrod and Michael Goldberg

Rewiring neural connectivity by micro-stimulation

James Rebesco, Sara Solla and Lee Miller

Forward models and state estimation in compensatory eye movements

Maarten Frens, Beerend Winkelman and Opher Donchin

Predicting human motor performance using stochastic optimal control

Julian Tramper, Bert Kappen, and Stan Gielen

Optimal control framework successfully explains changes in neural modulations during experiments with Brain Machine Interfaces

Miriam Zacksenhouse, Koren Beiser, Joseph O'Doherty, Mikhail Lebedev and Miguel Nicolelis

Adaptive responses in the human motor system interpret arbitrary force perturbations as state-dependent dynamics

Gary Sing, Simon Orozco and Maurice Smith

When two systems work as one: Minimizing signal-dependent noise through Nash-Equilibria

Jörn Diedrichsen, Niall Lally and Ian O’Sullivan

A novel mechanism for the spacing effect: Competitive inhibition between adaptive processes can explain the increase in motor skill retention associated with prolonged inter-trial spacing

Gary Sing, Bijan Najafi, Adenike Adewuyi and Maurice Smith

Beside the point: Motor adaptation in task-irrelevant conditions

S. Schaefer, I. Shelly and Kurt Thoroughman

The Cost of Strategic Control: Attenuation of Adaptation

Jordan Taylor, Azeen Ghorayshi and Richard Ivry

Sensory weighting of force and position feedback in human motor control tasks

Jasper Schuurmans, Winfred Mugge, Alfred Schouten and Frans van der Helm

Computational models of goal equivalent control in human treadmill walking

Jonathan Dingwell, Joby John and Joseph Cusumano

The disparate roles of reward and sensory prediction errors in learning motor control

Jun Izawa and Reza Shadmehr

Bayesian integration and non-linear feedback control in a full-body motor task

Ian Stevenson, Hugo Fernandes, Iris Vilares, Kunlin Wei and Konrad Körding

Adaptive force control

Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi, M. Casadio and A. Pressman

The nervous system maps high-dimension sensory inflow to low-dimension motor outputs during postural responses

Lucas McKay and Lena Ting

Hierarchical control of bimanual movements revealed by arm dominance challenges the muscle homology principle

Natalia Dounskaia, Keith Nogueira and Elizabeth Drummon

Equilibrium point hypothesis revisited: Advances in the computational framework of Passive Motion Paradigm

Vishwanathan Mohan, Pietro Morasso, Giorgio Metta and Jacopo Zenzeri

An interpretive model of hand-eye coordination

Tom Erez

Spinal-like regulator for controlling wrist movements

Giby Raphael, George Tsianos and Gerald Loeb




This symposium is held as a satellite to the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting.  All submissions are peer-reviewed and those with the highest scores are included in the program.  The acceptance rate is below 50%.


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