Advances in Computational Motor Control (ACMC) 2006
Primitives for optimal control
E. Todorov
Changing the noise in dynamics of reaching predictably changes control of reaching
J. Izawa, T. Rane, O. Donchin and Reza Shadmehr
The nervous system independently controls motion and force
V. Chib, M. Krutky, K. Lynch and F. Mussa-Ivaldi
Muscle synergies during locomotion define a flexible substrate for neural control
N. Krouchev, J. Kalaska and T. Drew
Adaptation induces curvature in saccades, revealing multiple time-scales of plasticity
H. Chen, W. Joiner, R. Shadmehr and D. Zee
Patterns of anterograde interference in reaching arm movements explained by a multi-rate learning model
G. Sing and M. Smith
A cerebellar model for predictive motor control: From reflex to preflex
J. McKinstry, G. Edelman and J. Krichmar
Long-term retention in the adaptive control of reaching explained by a model of short-term learning
M. Ifediba and M. Smith
Modeling neural representations of sensory feedback and changes in motor adaptive strategy
K. Thoroughman and M. Fine
Learning with unstable neural representations: experiment and theory
U. Rokni, A. Richardson, E. Bizzi and S. Seung
Narrow directional tuning explains both post-adaptation and trial-to-trial generalization patterns for visuomotor rotation learning
H. Tanaka, T. Sejnowski and J. Krakauer
Physically-based model for decoding motor-cortical activity
G. Shakhnarovich, S. Kim and M. Black
This symposium is held as a satellite to the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting. All submissions are peer-reviewed and those with the highest scores are included in the program. The acceptance rate is below 50%.
Sponsored by the United States National Institutes of Health.