Advances in Computational Motor Control (ACMC) 2003


Exploiting sensorimotor adaptation

J. Patton, F. Mussa-Ivaldi, Y. Wei, M. Phillips and M. Stoykov

Stabilization of cerebrocerebellar feedback control without internal dynamic models

S. Massaquoi

Can training change the desired trajectory?

O. Donchin and R. Shadmehr

Optimal trajectory of human arm reaching movements in dynamical environments

K. Ohta, R. Laboissiere and M. Svinin

Constant effort computation as a determinant of motor behavior

E. Guigon, P. Baraduc and M. Desmurget

Stochastic optimal feedback control of nonlinear biomechanical systems

E. Todorov

Computational understanding of the neural circuit for the central pattern generator for locomotion and its control in lamprey

Z. Li, A. Lewis and S. Scarpetta

The boundary of instability as a powerful experimental paradigm for understanding complex dynamical sensorimotor behavior: dexterous manipulation as an example

M. Venkadesan, F. Valero-Cuevas and J. Guckenheimer

Models of Purkinje cell discharge during circular manual tracking in monkey

A. Roitman, S. Pasalar and T. Ebner

Is oppositely directed motor learning implemented with inverse plasticity mechanisms?

E. Boyden, R. Tsien, T. Chatila and J. Raymond

A computational model of reach decisions in the primate cerebral cortex

P. Cisek

Uncertainty reduction at the neuronal ensemble but not in single neurons during motor skill learning

D. Cohen and M. Nicolelis


This symposium is held as a satellite to the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting.  All submissions are peer-reviewed and those with the highest scores are included in the program.  The acceptance rate is below 50%.


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