Translational and  Computational Motor Control (TCMC) 2013 



Targeted exercises to increase cortical influence over spinal reflexes. 

Harel, N., Pena, S., Morin, K., Asselin, P. and Spugen, A.

Electrical stimulation of motor cortex in the uninjured hemisphere after chronic unilateral injury promotes recovery of skilled locomotion through ipsilateral control. 

Carmel, J., Hiroki, K. and Martin, J.

Motor control is impaired in both the affected and the unaffected arm after stroke and shows a limited time window of recovery. 

Cortés, J.C., Goldsmith, J., Harran, M., Kim, N., Xu, J., Luft, A., Celnik, P., Krakauer, J.W. and Kitago, T. 

Motor costs in Parkinson’s disease. 

Salimpur, Y.,  Mari, Z and  Shadmehr, R.

Assessing the role of neuromuscular components using a tendon-driven robotic plant controlled by neuromorphic hardware. 

Niu, C.M., Rocamora, J., Valero-Cuevas, F. and Sanger, T. 

Neural and decoder adaptation in BMI reduces interference from native motor networks. 

Orsborn, A. and Carmena, J. 


Action cost biases the perceptual decision making, only when the cost is implicit. 

Hagura, N., Diedrichsen, J. and Haggard, P. 

Neural Dynamics of Reaching Following Incorrect or Absent Motor Preparation. 

Ames, K.C., Ryu, S. and Shenoy, K. 

Neural correlates of adaptation to dynamic and kinematic perturbations in dorsal premotor cortex. 

Perich, M. and Miller, L. 

Savings is restricted to the temporally labile component of motor adaptation. 

Hadjiosif, A. and Smith, M.A. 

Savings Upon Re-Aiming in Visuomotor Adaptation. 

Morehead, R., Crossley, M. and Ivry, R. 

Learning from error: history of past errors dictates sensitivity to error. 

Herzfeld, D., Vaswani, P., Marko, M. and Shadmehr, R. 

Multilayer controllers can learn from random feedback weights. 

Lillicrap, T.P., Cownden, D., Akerman, C.J. and Tweed, D.B. 

Internal coordinate representations for motor adaptation and interference reduction. 

Franklin, D.W., Yeo, S.-H., Batchelor, A.V. and Wolpert, D.M. 

Neural correlates of motor memory with multiple time scales in sensorimotor adaptation. 

Kim, S., Ogawa, K., Lv, J., Schweighofer, N. and Imamizu, H. 

Bayesian cue combination model of intentional binding. 

Ma, J., Chen, L., Kording, K. and Wei, K. 


Proficient BMI Control Enabled by Closed-Loop Adaptation of an Optimal Feedback-Controlled Point Process Decoder. 

Shanechi M, Orsborn A, Gowda S & Carmena, J.

Does long-¬‐term exposure to skiing enhance dynamical leg control in old age? 

Lawrence E, Posch M, Meimer F, Dilitz S, Stern V, Werner I & Valero-Cuevas F.

The evolution of fine muscle control for dexterous manipulation in humans is surprisingly incomplete. 

Valero-Cuevas F & Bumann R.

The role of inter-segmental dynamics during catching in typically developing children and children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. 

Asmussen M, Przysucha E & Dounskaia N.

Improvements in joint kinematics recorded during therapy sessions are not reflected in more traditional pre- and post-therapy functional assessments. 

McNulty P, Trinh T, Lee P & Shiner C.

Development of Virtual Games with Functional Electrical Stimulation for Post-Stroke Hemiplegia. 

Fu M, Knutson J & Chae J.

Bilateral priming accelerates recovery of upper limb function after stroke: A randomized controlled trial. 

Byblow W, Stinear C, Petoe M & Barber A.

Deficits of sensorimotor control and their impact on limb stabilization post-stroke: a case series. 

Mrotek L, Stoeckmann T, Bengtson M, Ghez C & Scheidt R.

Perturbation motor corrections correlate with features of reaching and are independent of proprioceptive impairments post-stroke. 

Bourke TC, Bagg SD, Dukelow SP, Norman KE & Scott SH.

Intermuscular coherence across the affected and unaffected hands during a grasp-and-lift task post stroke. 

Bilaloglu S, Aluru V & Raghavan, P. 


The neural representation of likelihood uncertainty in the motorsystem. 

Dekleva BM, Wanda PA, Kording KP & Miller LE.

Immediate decay onset in fixed and variable environments. 

Brennan AE & Smith MA.

Population dynamics in both premotor and motor cortical ensembles reflect changes in limb biomechanics. 

Suminski A, Mardoum P, Lillicrap T & Hatsopoulos N.

Shortening the reaction time prevents expression of 'fast' learning during motor adaptation. 

Haith A & Krakauer J.

The influence of threat on movement and economic decision making under risk. 

O’Brien M & Ahmed A.

Feedback responses enforce trajectory control when required by the goal of the ongoing task. 

Cluff T & Scott SH.

Interpreting reach adaptation in the actor-critic framework. 

Khan R & Throroughman K.

In search of a common mechanism for motor savings: Experience-dependent changes in learning parameters during locomotor adaptation. 

Mawase F, Shmuelof L, Bar-Haim S & Karneil A.

When to dwell and when to move: finding comfort in variability. 

Cos I, Girard B & Guigon E.

A computational model for motor and social effects on joint force production. 

Abe M & Watanabe K.

Optimality under fire: Dissociating learning from Bayesian integration. 

Acerbi L, Hart BM Behbahani FM & Peters MA (Best Poster: CoSMo Summer School). 



This symposium is held as a satellite to the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting.  All submissions are peer-reviewed and those with the highest scores are included in the program.  The acceptance rate is below 50%.


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