Translational and Computational Motor Control (TCMC) 2012
Short- and long-term plasticity associated with peripheral nerve injury
Galit Pelled
The Importance of Mouse Medial Premotor Cortex, Early Re-Training, and Fluoxetine In The Recovery From a Focal Stroke Induced Motor Deficit
Steven Zeiler, Ellen Gibson, Robert Hoesch, Ming Li, Paul Worley, Richard O'Brien, John Krakauer
Multisensory Integration of Vision and Intracortical Microstimulation for Sensory Substitution and Augmentation
Maria Dadarlat, Joseph O'Doherty, Philip Sabes
Merging and Fractionation of Muscle Synergies as Physiological Markers of Motor Cortical Damage
Vincent C. K. Cheung, Paolo Bonato, Emilio Bizzi
Evidence for central and sensory drive in human stepping
Virginia W., Chu T., George Hornby, Brian Schmit
Spatiotemporal analysis of multi-stroke drawing movements in Parkinson’s disease reveals an impaired speed-accuracy tradeoff.
Leonie Asboth, Jordan Brayanov, Maurice Smith, Daniel Press
Variability-Driven Predictive Control of Grip Forces
Alkis Hadjiosif, Maurice Smith
Multiple learning processes operate continuously throughout learning
Jordan Taylor, John Krakauer, Richard Ivry
A Recurrent Neural Network that Produces EMG from Rhythmic Dynamics
David Sussillo, Mark Churchland, Matt Kaufman, Krishna Shenoy
Adaptation of Feedback Control and Voluntary Reaching Behaviour
Tyler Cluff, Stephen Scott
Motor adaptation and the proprioceptive estimates of limb state
Max Berniker, Konrad Kording
Optimal control predicts human and animal behavior in tasks with competing goals
Vassilios Christopoulos, Paul Schrater, Richard Andersen
Internal models engaged by brain-computer interface control
Matthew Golub, Byron Yu, Steven Chase
Uncovered hidden ability of nondominant arm for bimanual action
Atsushi Yokoi, Masaya Hirashima, Daichi Nozaki
Neural synergies constrain the acquisition of abstract Brain-Machine Interface skill
Andrew Jackson, John Barrett, Thomas Hall, Jennifer Tulip, Kianoush Nazarpour
Is there a reaching speed that minimizes metabolic cost?
Helen Huang, Alaa Ahmed
Characterizing post-injury transcallosal plasticity with patch clamp recording
Ya Yang, Yan Jouroukhin, Galit Pelled
Visualizing real-time changes in expression of immediate early genes associated with plasticity
Yan Jouroukhin, Assaf Gilad, Galit Pelled
Long term plasticity in a pediatric rat model of traumatic brain injury
Nan Li, David Glover, Manda Saraswati, Courtney Robertson, Galit Pelled
Short-afferent inhibition during different movement phases of finger flexion
Mike Asmussen, Mark Jacobs, Kevin Lee, Chris Zapallow, Aimee Nelson
Dynamic gating of error signals during cerebellum-dependent learning
Rhea Kimpo, Jacob Rinaldi, Christina Kim, Karl Deisseroth, Jennifer Raymond
Stroke damage to the posterior parietal cortex provides causal evidence for its involvement in visual-to-motor transformations of reach targets
Aarlenne Khan, Laure Pisella, Gunnar Blohm
Changes in the location of Cortico-muscular coherence following stroke
Holly E Rossiter, Christiane Eaves, Marie-Helene Boudrias, Chang-hyun Park, Gareth Barnes, Vladimir Litvak, Simon Farmer, Nick S Ward
An in vivo assay of age-related changes in synaptic function in human motor cortex: An MEG study
Stephanie Bowen, Holly Rossiter, Rosalyn Moran, Nick Ward
Hemiparesis as loss of motor skill: stroke mimics the dominant/ non-dominant difference in motor control
Tomoko Kitago, Jeffrey Goldsmith, Vincent Huang, Adrian Haith, Ciprian Crainiceanu, Pietro Mazzoni, Joern Diedrichsen, John Krakauer
Robotic Stroke Assessment of Upper Limb Afferent Feedback for Motor Corrections in a Postural Perturbation Task
Teige C. Bourke, Angela M. Coderre, Sean P. Dukelow, Kathleen E. Norman, Stephen H. Scott
Intuitive bimanual tasks for robotic assessment
Carl Jackson, Sean Dukelow, Stephen Scott
Task interference in constraint-induced movement therapy revealed by graph structure learning
Yukikazu Hidaka, Carolee Winstein, Nicolas Schweighofer
Cafeteria diet-induced metabolic syndrome: incorporating human disease co-morbidity in preclinical stroke models
Mariana Gomez-Smith, Carine Nguemeni, Matthew Jeffers, Dale Corbett
3D Robotic training in chronic stroke improves motor control but not motor function
Vincent S. Huang, Sophia L. Ryan, Leslie Kane, Sylvia Huang, Jessica R. Berard, Tomoko Kitago, Pietro Mazzoni, John W. Krakauer
Long-term Decoding Stability without Retraining for Intracortical Brain Computer Interfaces
William Bishop, Cindy Chestek, Vikash Gilja, Paul Nuyujukian, Stephen Ryu, Krishna Shenoy, Byron Yu
The identification of a rapidly-decaying, high-precision proprioceptive sensory memory and its effects on motor adaptation
Andrew Brennan, Howard Wu, Maurice A Smith
Sensitivity of movement vigor to changes in rate of reward
Thomas Reppert, Pavan Vaswani, Reza Shadmehr
Motor generalization: the effects of training breadth
Max Berniker, Hamid Mizraei Buini, Konrad Kording
Using parallel force clamps to quantify human adaptation to assistive and resistive perturbations
Ellisha Marongelli, Alexandra Foshage, Paul Wanda, Kurt Thoroughman
The temporal dynamics of parietal gain fields preclude their being used by the motor system to determine target position in space.
Michael Goldberg, Benjamin Xu, Carine Karachi
How Does Error Amplification Improve Task Performance?
Christopher Hasson, Masaki Abe, Dagmar Sternad
What takes time in the reaction time? Deciding task goals or specifying motor commands?
Adrian Haith, David Huberdeau, John Krakauer
Evidence for a forward update in state estimation following mechanical perturbations
Frédéric Crevecoeur, Stephen Scott
Goal-Equivalent Trial-to-Trial Control of a Generalized, Redundant Reaching Task
Jonathan Dingwell, Rachel Smallwood, Joseph Cusumano
Special COSMO Summer School poster:
Effect of Baseline Variability in Motor Learning: Meta-analysis over multiple data sets
Moria Fisher*, Farnaz Abdollahi*, J. Ryan Morehead, Keturah Bixby
This symposium is held as a satellite to the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting. All submissions are peer-reviewed and those with the highest scores are included in the program. The acceptance rate is below 50%.
Sponsored by the United States National Institutes of Health.